Yes, yes, yes, Jeffrey Epstein. In case on has been spending extended periods of time on the astral plane, I'm sure those of you who are reading this are well aware that the infamous financier and accused pedophile was arrested on July 6 for sex trafficking minors. These charges came over a decade after Epstein had received a slap on the wrist in Florida for similar allegations. Undeterred, Epstein's former victims had continued to hound the alleged pedophile in a series of lawsuits for much of the past twelve years. Finally, it seems, this dogged persistence may be paying off.
Predictably, Epstein's arrest has generated highly partisan reactions. The neoliberal mainstream is quick to point out that President Donald J. Trump once praised Epstein as a "terrific guy" and that the Orange One had had regular dealings with the accused child rapist during the 1990s and the 00s. Epstein was a frequent visitor to the Mar-a-Lago Club during this time frame and his personal address book included 14 phone numbers for Trump. What's more, at least one of the minor's allegedly abused by Epstein was recruited at Mar-a-Lago during the late 1990s. And then there's the fact that Trump's now former Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, is the one who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist in 2007 while he was serving as the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida in 2007.
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Acosta |
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Clinton (left) and Epstein (right) |
And that brings us to what is easily the most interesting name to emerge in connection to the Epstein scandal: Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell has drawn shockingly little scrutiny in the Epstein scandal up to this point, and for good reason: A closer examination of her and her family lead to some truly disturbing rabbit holes that much of the power elite desperately want to remain buried.
Who is Ghislaine Maxwell?
How Maxwell ended up in this position is quite noteworthy. Maxwell was a Czechoslovakian emigre who spoke eight languages. He had fled the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, initially ending up in France. There he joined the Czechoslovakian Army in exile. After the defeat of France in 1940, he joined the British Army and served with distinction. By 1945, he had achieved the rank of captain. During the occupation of Germany, Maxwell's language skills came to the attention of MI6.
Like many prominent Anglo-American VIPs, Sir Charles became involved with intelligence work during the Second World War. He joined the Special Operations Executive (SOE), a highly elite and secretive organization that was tasked with espionage, sabotage, and other covert operations behind enemy lines. The SOE would be considered masters of what is referred to as "unconventional warfare" nowadays. The Office of Strategic Services was largely modeled upon the SOE and their use of "stay-behind" networks in occupied territory would serve as the basis of what is now often referred to "Operation Gladio." More information on the SOE and its ties to stay-behind networks can be found here.
Sir Charles began his SOE career directing operations in Scandinavia. By 1942, he had become the director of the entire organization, a post he held through much of 1943. After the end of WWII and the shuttering of the SOE, Sir Charles still remained deeply involved in British intelligence. As was noted before here, Sir Charles and his bank would continue to support MI6 operations throughout the Cold War. Nor were these "official" operations the extent of Hambros involvement in covert activities. In the immediate aftermath of WWII, he also became a crucial figure in a curious entity known as the World Commerce Corporation (WCC).
How exactly the WCC was so flush with cash is something of a mystery. To be sure, it possessed a impressive roster of donors from many of the leading British, Canadian, and American families of that era. In addition to Hambro himself, funds were also provided by members of the Sassoon, Rockefeller, and Mellon families, among many others. But this funding alone likely could not account for how the WCC was able to dispense largess on par with the Marshall Plan during the early Cold War years. As was noted before here, there is compelling evidence that looted Nazi gold also provided some of the funding to the WCC. Unsurprisingly, the company has also been implicated in drug trafficking as well (noted here).
As such, the WCC is often described as a private intelligence organization, an apt description. But beyond that, it appears to have wielded power on par with what the early CIA and MI6 possessed. Indeed, it is likely that MI6 was dependent on the WCC for funding during the early years of the Cold War. The great Stephen Dorril described Sir Charles as "acting as a benefactor to MI6 good causes" (MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, pg. 142) during this era. The great Peter Dale Scott, the leading authority on the American deep state for decades, described the WCC in his classic America War Machine as being an offshoot of the original metagroup that has dominated American foreign policy for decades. The same is almost surely true in the UK among the British partners of the WCC.
And here is Robert Maxwell being set up by Sir Charles for his future media empire. Nor is Sir Charles the only connection Maxwell had to this WCC network. Dorril notes that Maxwell was being run as an agent by George Kennedy Young at the time Hambro approved his loan.
Young was an especially right wing MI6 officer who achieved the rank of deputy director in 1959. He resigned in 1961 over dissatisfaction with the foreign policies of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. He would go on to join far right groups such as the Monday Club and even launched a militia during the 1970s. In Rogue Agents, the great David Teacher notes that while still with MI6, Young was part of a hardline covert action faction dubbed the "Robber Barons." This faction also included the infamous Lord Julian Amery, himself a veteran of the SOE.
In Deny and Disrupt, Rory Cormac notes that Amery possessed contacts the world over that surpassed those of MI6. As such, he appears in virtually every major British covert operations throughout the Cold War in some capacity. Amery also became involved with Le Cercle, the far right's answer to Bilderberg, during the 1970s. He would eventually become a chairman of this outfit during the following decade.
Amery was clearly in the orbit of the WCC-Hambro clique. During the 1970s, he was active in Le Cercle with Harry Sporborg, another SOE veteran who worked closely with Sir Charles during the war. In the postwar years Sporborg went to work for Hambros Bank and would aide Sir Charles and the bank in MI6-sponsored activities (briefly noted here) during the Cold War. Sporborg was active in other private intelligence activities as well (noted here).
Young frequently collaborated with Amery while working for MI6, and would later travel in many of the same far right political circles Amery was the patron saint of during this era. As such, Young was likely also a member of this network Sir Charles had established in the aftermath of WWII, a network specializing in private intelligence operations and possessing resources equal to if not surpassing MI6.
And this was the network that set up Captain Bob, as the great Private Eye often referred to Maxwell as. This is quite curious, given that Maxwell maintained close relations with the Soviets throughout his life and was a life long backer of the Labour Party (it probably goes without saying, but all the other gentleman mentioned in this section were Tories). Clearly, many of these aristocrats, imperialists, and merchant bankers were not especially concerned by Maxwell's alleged far left sympathies.
Unofficially, Maxwell appears to have been a key point man in assisting the Soviet Union in privatizing its economy. During the 1980s, Maxwell was deeply involved with the government of Bulgaria, As was noted before here, during the same decade Bulgaria was a major mecca for both arms and drug trafficking. It was a highly lucrative market, which attracted spooks from both the East and West. Unsurprisingly, Maxwell found ample business opportunities there.
It has been alleged by those such as Richard Cottrell that Maxwell on the whole played a crucial role assisting former Communist Party officials, especially those connected to the intelligence community, in transferring state assets to the private sector, ensuring that they were set for the post Soviet era. While this is all quite speculative, there's no question that Maxwell had also forged ties with the emerging Russian mafias during this era. In particular, Maxwell had set up Semoin Mogilevich with an Israeli passport that enabled the man who would eventually be dubbed the "boss of bosses" among the Russians mafias to travel international and set up over 50 business fronts. Maxwell also set up Mogilevich with a Swiss banker who had regular dealings with the Vatican Bank, among other prestigious clients. As I noted before here, Trump has been linked to Mogilevich's organization since at least the mid-1980s. Additional information on the links between the Trump and Mogilevich organizations can be found here.
The mysterious Ghislaine first appears to have entered Epstein's life some time around the mid-1990s. The British socialite had relocated to the United States in the early-to-middle part of that deacde, where she initially worked in real estate while living on a trust of $100,000 a year. Previously, she had attended Oxford University, a noted recruiting pool for the British secret services. This was hardly the first time that Maxwell was within the orbit of various intelligence services, as we shall see.
Reportedly, Maxwell began dating Epstein at some point during the late 1990s. This does not appear to have lasted long, but the two had developed a strong "platonic bond" in the process. By the early '00s, Maxwell had become a kind of high end assistant to Epstein, organizing much of his life for him. Apparently, this included his pedophilia.
Maxwell has been named as a co-defendant in multiple lawsuits involving Epstein. As far back the mid-1990s, she is accused of procuring underage girls for the disgraced financier. Reportedly, one of these women was recruited at Mar-a-Lago in 1999. This has led to accusations that Ghislaine Maxwell was effectively serving as Epstein's "madam" for his various exploits involving underage girls.
Maxwell appears to have had longstanding friendships with several of the men linked to Epstein. This includes President Trump himself, Bill Clinton (Ghislaine was a guest at Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding), and Prince Andrew. Many of these connections predated his relationship with Epstein and were almost surely derived from her father.
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Maxwell |
Captain Bob
Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, is one of the most curious figures in the annuals of parapolitics. Mainstream accounts of Maxwell often depict to him as little more than an eccentric and corrupt media baron, the Left's answer to Rupert Murdoch in a sense. At the height of his powers in the 1980s, Maxwell owned the British Printing Corporation (which he renamed the Maxwell Communication Corporation), Mirror Group Newspapers (publishers of the Labour-leaning tabloid the Daily Mirror), Pergamon Press, Nimbus Records (the first UK record company to issue compact disks), and the America wing of Macmillan Publishers. Maxwell even owned a stake in MTV in Europe at one point, making him one of the most influential media moguls in the Old World during this era. Previously, Maxwell had served as Labour MP in the House of Commons from 1964-1969.
What is little addressed in mainstream accounts of Maxwell's life is his longstanding ties to various intelligence services the world over, including MI6, the CIA, the KGB, and the Mossad. Indeed, Maxwell's rise as a media baron appears to have been aided in no small part by said services. Specifically, Pergamon Press (Maxwell's first publishing house, which he acquired in 1951) has quite a deep background. The publisher had its origins in two earlier companies, Butterworth Scientific Publications and Springer Verlag (the leading publisher of scientific books and journals in Europe prior to WWII), which specialized in scientific periodicals. Initially, the company was known as Butterworth-Springer, with Maxwell signing on as a managing director in 1949. This outfit was seen as an ideal venue to keep tabs on what the Soviet scientific community was up to at the onset of the Cold War.
"At that time, the British needed agents in Russia and people the Russians might entertain in their scientific community. Maxwell might do the trick, and more money allowed him to merge the German Maxwell-Springer publishing company with Butterworth press which itself sometimes acted as an MI6 front. In 1954, Maxwell traveled to Russia and put forward the idea of publishing translated Russian scientific papers which meant he then had access to Russia and its secrets, something he ruthlessly exploited and which was exploited by the East too as Maxwell had to produce a number of propaganda works which, however, sold few copies, if any. Thus Maxwell started on his life as an international go-between, the classic Jewish 'fixer'..."
(Thatcher's Secret War, Clive Bloom, pg. 192)
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Robert Maxwell |
One particular MI6 manwho became enamored with Maxwell was Count Frederick "Fanny" Vanden Heuvel. A Dutchman by birth, Vanden Heuvel was a papal count, giving him direct access to the Vatican. During WWII, the Count had been the MI6 station chief in Bern. There, he was in regular contact with Office of Strategic Services (OSS) station chief and future CIA director Allen Dulles.
It was likely Vanden Heuvel who arranged the initial loan to Maxwell that enabled him to purchase Butterworth-Springer in 1951.
"...There followed protracted negotiations organized by Vanden Heuvel and, in May 1951, Butterworth agreed to sell its interest to Maxwell for £13,000. Agreeing also to a change of name to Pergamon Press, Butterworth set aside a considerable debt of £10,000.
"As his official biographer, Joe Haines, acknowledge, this was 'more money than Maxwell possessed at that moment, so he borrowed. He first went to Sir Charles Hambro.' Who introduced Maxwell to Hambro varies with the different accounts. Haines says it was via the Board of Trade (BoT); Maxwell said it was Whitlock; Betty Maxwell claims it was Vanden Heuvel, Hambro's business 'fixer'. Whoever it was, the meeting gave rise to a City legend that Hambro had been so impressed by the forward-looking Maxwell and sufficiently persuaded of his business acumen that he ordered the chief cashier to give Maxwell a cheque book with authority to draw cheques up to a total of £25,000. In fact, the legend was no more than a cover story. The meeting certainly took place, but the matter of money had already been fixed by MI6."
(MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Stephen Dorril, pg. 141)
In other words, Maxwell's media empire was effectively launched by Vanden Heuvel and Sir Charles Hambro. The latter name should certainly raise the collective eyebrows of regular readers of this blog.
For the uninitiated, Sir Charles and the Hambro family were among the most powerful fixtures of the British establishment for much of the twentieth century (and likely beyond). The family had made its fortune in merchant banking. Hambros Bank was one of the leading financial institutions in Europe and one of the select banking houses that dominated the Bank of England (noted before here). Sir Charles himself had joined the Bank of England's board of directors in 1928 at the age of 30. In other words, Sir Charles was born into the absolute pinnacle of power within the British establishment.
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Sir Charles |
Like many prominent Anglo-American VIPs, Sir Charles became involved with intelligence work during the Second World War. He joined the Special Operations Executive (SOE), a highly elite and secretive organization that was tasked with espionage, sabotage, and other covert operations behind enemy lines. The SOE would be considered masters of what is referred to as "unconventional warfare" nowadays. The Office of Strategic Services was largely modeled upon the SOE and their use of "stay-behind" networks in occupied territory would serve as the basis of what is now often referred to "Operation Gladio." More information on the SOE and its ties to stay-behind networks can be found here.
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the emblem of the SOE |
"Sir Charles Hambro was joint head with the former chiefs of the BSC, Sir William Stephenson, and the OSS, 'Bill' Donovan, of the World Commerce Corp (WCC). Set up in 1946, the Panama-based WCC was intended as a 'bridge over the breakdown in foreign exchange and to provide the tools, machinery and "know how" to develop untapped resources in different parts of the world,' particularly re-equipping German industrial plant. A director claimed that 'if there were several WCCs, there would be no need for a Marshall plan.' There was also an intelligence role. Stephenson's BSC deputy, John Pepper, succeeded him as chair, while on the board were OSS officers Richard Sicre and William Horrigan. Sister corporations included the Transamerica Corp. under James F. Cavagnaro and the British-American-Canadian Corp., chaired by Hambro with former MI6 officer Sir Rex Benson and former US Secretary of State Edward Stettinus. Under its vice-president, Satiris 'Sonny' Fasboulis, who was linked to a number of Mafia-related scandals, Commerce International (China) sponsored military assistance to Taiwan."
(MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Stephen Dorril, pg. 814 n27)
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OSS founder and director William "Wild Bill" Donovan |
As such, the WCC is often described as a private intelligence organization, an apt description. But beyond that, it appears to have wielded power on par with what the early CIA and MI6 possessed. Indeed, it is likely that MI6 was dependent on the WCC for funding during the early years of the Cold War. The great Stephen Dorril described Sir Charles as "acting as a benefactor to MI6 good causes" (MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, pg. 142) during this era. The great Peter Dale Scott, the leading authority on the American deep state for decades, described the WCC in his classic America War Machine as being an offshoot of the original metagroup that has dominated American foreign policy for decades. The same is almost surely true in the UK among the British partners of the WCC.
And here is Robert Maxwell being set up by Sir Charles for his future media empire. Nor is Sir Charles the only connection Maxwell had to this WCC network. Dorril notes that Maxwell was being run as an agent by George Kennedy Young at the time Hambro approved his loan.
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George Kennedy Young |
In Deny and Disrupt, Rory Cormac notes that Amery possessed contacts the world over that surpassed those of MI6. As such, he appears in virtually every major British covert operations throughout the Cold War in some capacity. Amery also became involved with Le Cercle, the far right's answer to Bilderberg, during the 1970s. He would eventually become a chairman of this outfit during the following decade.
Amery was clearly in the orbit of the WCC-Hambro clique. During the 1970s, he was active in Le Cercle with Harry Sporborg, another SOE veteran who worked closely with Sir Charles during the war. In the postwar years Sporborg went to work for Hambros Bank and would aide Sir Charles and the bank in MI6-sponsored activities (briefly noted here) during the Cold War. Sporborg was active in other private intelligence activities as well (noted here).
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Lord Julian Amery |
And this was the network that set up Captain Bob, as the great Private Eye often referred to Maxwell as. This is quite curious, given that Maxwell maintained close relations with the Soviets throughout his life and was a life long backer of the Labour Party (it probably goes without saying, but all the other gentleman mentioned in this section were Tories). Clearly, many of these aristocrats, imperialists, and merchant bankers were not especially concerned by Maxwell's alleged far left sympathies.
Now that I've established the origins of Maxwell's media empire, it is time to focus our attention on the apex of Maxwell's empire. Naturally, the peak was reached during the 1980s. By this point in time, Maxwell was involved in a host of legendary conspiracies ranging from Iran-Contra to the Inslaw Affair.
As to the latter, Inslaw was an IT company that developed a program known as PROMIS during the early 1980s. PROMIS had been developed for the Justice Department so as to turn the files of the federal court system into a searchable database. The CIA was so impressed with PROMIS that they pirated the software and inserted a "trapdoor" into it. The agency then created a host of front companies to sell the pirated version of PROMIS to banks and other leading financial institutions. The trapdoor enabled the CIA to covertly monitor international business transactions in this fashion. Reportedly, Maxwell played a crucial role in these intrigues.
"... the US developed its own version of the back-door and the US and Israel began looking for a neutral company through which it could sell the program to foreign intelligence services. The company chosen for the task was Degem, a computer firm with offices in Israel, Guatemala and the South African Bantustan homeland. It had been taken over for the purpose by Robert Maxwell, the publishing mogul who drowned under mysterious circumstances in 1991. Through Maxwell's Degem... the software found a home with the military regime in Guatemala, where it tracked leftist insurgents. 'Even if they traveled under a false name, various characteristics, such as height, hair color, age, were fed into roadside terminals and PROMIS searched through its database looking for a common denominator. It would be able to tell an army commander that a certain dissident who was in the north three days before had caught a train, then a bus, stayed at a friend's house, and was now on the road under a different name. That's how frightening the system was.'... PROMIS was used in South Africa to track and squelch the organizers of a strike among the black coal miners via the mandatory identity cards. Degem also sold PROMIS to the Soviet Union and the system was utilized by its GRU intelligence service at least until the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev."
(The Octopus, Kenn Thomas & Jim Keith, pgs. 25-26)And that brings us to one of the most curious aspects of Maxwell's deep background, most notably his dealings with the Soviet Union. Officially, Maxwell was part of a group of select Jewish financier the Soviet Union had begun to work with during the 1980s to reinvigorate its economy. Curiously, another one of these financiers was the Canadian Edgar Bronfman Sr., whose family owned Seagram. Bronfman's daughters would infamously become involved with the NXIVM cult, head by now-convicted pedophile Keith Raniere. The name of Bronfman's son, Edgar Jr., allegedly appeared in Epstein's black book, though this researcher has not been able to reliably confirm this claim yet. Keep the Bronfman connection in mind dear reader, as we shall return to it again.
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Bronfman Sr. |
"... the cavalier tycoon certainly found the thriving atmosphere of anything goes attractive to his unorthodox business methods, not to mention the pressing needs of his various espionage clients. Dillon explained how Maxwell grabbed control of the Foreign Trade Bank, thanks to highly-placed stooges among the nomenklatura with political backing at the highest levels. The bank was then open to business as the centerpiece of a vast centrifugal, money-laundering operation, spraying the proceeds in all directions. Dillon's most explosive charge was not centered on Maxwell; it was his insistence that among the bank's customers were front organization sheltering the CIA, ever on the lookout for invisible ink to mask its global contraband chains."
(Gladio: NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe, Richard Cottrell, pg. 205)This is only scratching the surface of Maxwell's involvement in the Soviet bloc, however. In 1985, Maxwell brokered a rather lucrative deal between the Mossad and the KGB that allowed the Israelis to stash the money they had made off of arm sells to Iran (related to Iran-Contra) in the Soviet bloc.
"... the sheer simplicity of the deal was an added attraction. There would be no galaxy of middlemen chipping away their pieces of commission. There would be just 'Maxwell and his connections and Chebrikov, because of the power he wielded. His involvement was a guarantee the Soviets would not steal the funds. It was agreed the initial $450 million would be transferred from Credit Suisse to the Bank of Budapest in Hungary. That bank would disburse the money to other banks in the Soviet bloc.' "
(Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, pg. 176)The above-mentioned Chebrikov was Viktor Chebrikov, the head of the KGB. The Mossad was represented at the meeting by Nahum Admoni, then the Director-General. In other words, Maxwell was able to bring together the heads of the KGB and the Mossad together in Thatcher's England to broker a deal concerning funds generated by Iran-Contra. Maxwell pocketed a cool $8 million for his assistance.
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Chebrikov |
Family Matters
All of this adds special significance to a party held on Robert Maxwell's yacht in 1989. But before getting to this party, a prudent question must be asked: Is there any evidence of Captain Bob being involved in elite pedophile entrapment networks?
As far as direct involvement is concerned, the answer is "no." But Maxwell's prior involvement with Hambro and his merry band of reactionary SOE and MI6 men raises another possibility. As was noted before here, many of the men linked to this network would end up joining Le Cercle by the 1970s. The Cercle complex was a powerful international body based in Europe that initially grew out of the infamous Bilderberg group. While staunchly pro-EU, Le Cercle was also fanatically anti-Communist and would gradually break with Bilderberg at some pint in the 1970s. The group's right wing drift was almost surely due to the fact that it was dominated for many years by reactionary Catholic orders such as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Opus Dei. It was quite aristocratic as well --lots of knights, lords, and barrons among the membership list. For more information of Le Cercle, check out a prior series I did on it that can be found here.
The Cercle also had ample contacts among numerous intelligence services the world over. As such, it had effectively became a private intelligence network in its own right by the 1970s. Easily the most unsettling aspect of this development was the extensive links the Cercle complex forged with elite pedophile networks. Cercle members can be linked to some of the most infamous in Europe, such as in the UK and Belgium ones (noted before here), as well as to the Franklin ring in the US and the dreaded Colonia Dignidad in Chile (noted before here).
In other words, if there was some type of international pedophile entrapment ring as conspiracy theorists have long alleged, it seems likely that the Cercle complex was at the forefront of this network by the 1970s when many of Sir Charles Hambro's former SOE men began signing up with the organization.
As for Maxwell, many of his contacts with this network like Sir Charles and Count Fanny Vanden Heuvel were long dead by the 1980s. However George Kennedy Young, a frequent collaborator of future Cercle chairman Julian Amery, was still around and active. This researcher can not confirm if Maxwell was still in contact with his former handler, but there was at least one figure closely linked to the Cercle Maxwell maintained ties with during the 1980s:
The Baroness Margaret Thatcher.
As was noted before here, the Cercle had gone to great lengths to make Thatcher the prime minister. Additional information on these intrigues can be found in David Teacher's long suppressed Rogue Agents, which can be found here. That the Cercle would be interested in Thatcher is hardly surprising, but the same can not be said of Thatcher's relationship with Maxwell. After all, Captain Bob's media empire regularly attacked the Iron Lady while her MI5 and MI6 kept a close watch on the Captain. Despite this, the two seem to have had a surprisingly warm relationship and Thatcher had even considered using one of Maxwell's publishing houses to print her autobiography at one point.
Indeed, it sounds like Thatcher even used Maxwell as a source of intelligence in Eastern Europe. Superficially, this is quite curious considering Maxwell's extensive KGB ties and long time support for the Labour party. This researcher suspects that the only way Maxwell would have been let into her confidence is if someone vouched for him --someone like the Cercle affiliates who had helped elect Thatcher and may have had dealings with Maxwell for decades.
It is also interesting that Maxwell did some type of significant favor for Thatcher. Of course, ample evidence has come out in recent years that Thatcher's administration was riddled with pedophiles (noted here). It is possible this favor involved keeping a prominent newspaper closely aligned with Labour from reporting on these developments?
Nor was Thatcher the only potential link Maxwell had to the Cercle complex in the 1980s. A close associate of his during this time was Edmond Safra. Safra was yet another Jewish businessman with reputed links to the Mossad, the KGB, and the Russia mafia. It would appear that Safra had some type of involvement with at least one Belgium Cercle partner linked to pedophilia during the 1980s. In addition to being close to Maxwell, Safra was also on good terms with Edgar Bronfman Sr., whom he served on the Board of Overseers of B'nai B'rith with. As was noted above, Bronfman's daughters would later be linked to the NXIVM cult.
And that finally brings us to the 1989 party noted above. Present on Maxwell's yacht were his daughter Ghislaine and a host of other VIPs. The two most noteworthy for our purposes here were Donald Trump himself and attorney Tom Bolan, the former law partner of Roy Cohn.
Cohn was of course Trump's former attorney and political mentor until his death in 1986. As I noted throughout my "Goodfellas" series, there is compelling evidence that Cohn himself was a central figure in sexual entrapment operations for decades. One of the most compelling instances involved the Profumo Affair, which brought down the government of Harold Macmillan in the UK (noted here and here).
Julian Amery was Harold Macmillan's son-in-law and a member of his administration. As such, the fall of the Tory Macmillan would seemingly be a blow to the old Hambro network. But Amery and other far right, pro-Colonial Tories had become increasingly disillusioned with Macmillan's foreign policy (remember that George Young had resigned from MI6 in protest of these policies, as was noted above). What's more, none of these Tories (who then centered around the Monday Club) were implicated in Profumo. I've argued before here that these elements may have collaborated with Cohn's people in an effort to "purify" the Tories.
While this may seem a stretch, there is a precedent in latter intrigues. Colin Wallace, a former MI5 who was one of the first to blow the whistle on the Kincora Boy's Home pedophile scandal, had become involved with this reactionary network of Tories by the 1970s. In David Teacher's Rogue Agents, it is noted that Wallace was part of psyops operations being waged by right wing elements in MI5 to discredit Labour, Liberal, and Tory leaders alike. Specifically, this network sought to replace Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath (who attended Oxford with Amery and who is deeply implicated in pedophilia) with someone of a "more resolute approach." Someone like, say, Cercle favorite Margaret Thatcher. "Incidentally," it was around this time that rumors began to circulate that Heath was a homosexual.
As such, the possibility that the Hambro-Amery and Cohn networks had forged ties as far back as Profumo can not be discounted. By the 1980s, however, there was a more direct link: CIA director William Casey. Casey had been in the orbit of this Le Cecle/Tory network since at least the 1960s (noted here) and was actively involved with the Cercle by the 1970s. Here he would have surely encountered Amery and his merry band. This relationship appears to have continued up until Casey's death in 1987. Elsewhere, Casey worked closely with Cohn during the 1980s (noted here).
As such, it seems quite likely that these networks were connected by that decade. What's more, this gives Maxwell's 1989 party an air of a meeting of the Five Families of the Pedophocracy, with Captain Bob representing the Tory wing (and likely KGB and Mossad as well) and Trump and Bolan representing the Cohn wing. What I seem to be describing here is a network of what the great David Teacher dubbed "rogue agents," intelligence assets from the US, UK, Israel, and the Soviet Union, among others, who came to a realization during the waning years of the Cold War that their continued power and influence in the new era would depend on pulling their resources. Access to damning evidence on an international VIP pedophile ring would certainly go a long way towards comprising their respective governments to be sure. And perhaps a new stage of this plot was launched around the time of that 1989 party.
Ghislaine Maxwell attended this party and would continue to have dealings with Trump even after her father's death in 1991. By 1993, she appears to have made contact with Epstein. By the end of the decade, she is alleged to have recruited girls for him at Mar-a-Lago.
Certainly, this seems to stretch coincidence, especially considering that the NXIVM cult was also being tracked by another Cohn acolyte, Roger Stone, as I noted before here. Isn't it rather curious that two pedophile networks presently threatening to bring down the Democratic party (along with the Republicans and effectively the entire government of these United States) both appear to have been infiltrated by Cohn's minions?
And with that, I shall sign off for now dear readers. Keep the popcorn ready, as the fallout from this train wreck will likely make the Mueller report seem like a walk in the part. As always, stay tuned.
As far as direct involvement is concerned, the answer is "no." But Maxwell's prior involvement with Hambro and his merry band of reactionary SOE and MI6 men raises another possibility. As was noted before here, many of the men linked to this network would end up joining Le Cercle by the 1970s. The Cercle complex was a powerful international body based in Europe that initially grew out of the infamous Bilderberg group. While staunchly pro-EU, Le Cercle was also fanatically anti-Communist and would gradually break with Bilderberg at some pint in the 1970s. The group's right wing drift was almost surely due to the fact that it was dominated for many years by reactionary Catholic orders such as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Opus Dei. It was quite aristocratic as well --lots of knights, lords, and barrons among the membership list. For more information of Le Cercle, check out a prior series I did on it that can be found here.
The Cercle also had ample contacts among numerous intelligence services the world over. As such, it had effectively became a private intelligence network in its own right by the 1970s. Easily the most unsettling aspect of this development was the extensive links the Cercle complex forged with elite pedophile networks. Cercle members can be linked to some of the most infamous in Europe, such as in the UK and Belgium ones (noted before here), as well as to the Franklin ring in the US and the dreaded Colonia Dignidad in Chile (noted before here).
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Colonia Dignidad |
As for Maxwell, many of his contacts with this network like Sir Charles and Count Fanny Vanden Heuvel were long dead by the 1980s. However George Kennedy Young, a frequent collaborator of future Cercle chairman Julian Amery, was still around and active. This researcher can not confirm if Maxwell was still in contact with his former handler, but there was at least one figure closely linked to the Cercle Maxwell maintained ties with during the 1980s:
The Baroness Margaret Thatcher.
As was noted before here, the Cercle had gone to great lengths to make Thatcher the prime minister. Additional information on these intrigues can be found in David Teacher's long suppressed Rogue Agents, which can be found here. That the Cercle would be interested in Thatcher is hardly surprising, but the same can not be said of Thatcher's relationship with Maxwell. After all, Captain Bob's media empire regularly attacked the Iron Lady while her MI5 and MI6 kept a close watch on the Captain. Despite this, the two seem to have had a surprisingly warm relationship and Thatcher had even considered using one of Maxwell's publishing houses to print her autobiography at one point.
"The crooked press baron had a close and curiously friendly relationship with Margaret Thatcher. 'Maxwell talked constantly about his respect and admiration for her,' said a source involved in the negotiations. 'He had done an important favor for her years ago and she was very grateful to him. He never said what it was but it was obviously quite significant.' Another source said, 'Maxwell was keen to but he thought it unlikely that Mrs. Thatcher would want him as the publisher. He liked her and said how helpful she was to big business in the 1980s.'
"As for Mrs. Thatcher, 'She told me she had no problems in being published by Maxwell,' said a Macmillan source. 'She said she admired Maxwell as a businessman and was not concerned about the attacks on her by the Mirror newspapers.' Her only public comment was after the publisher's death in late 1991: 'Mr. Maxwell kept me informed about what was happening in Eastern European countries and what their leaders were thinking.'
"It was not difficult to see why Maxwell and Margaret Thatcher admired each other. They saw each other as self-make people, outside the class-ridden British establishment. She respected wealthy, flamboyant and powerful business tycoons who fought their way up. Maxwell dealt with her as the head of government rather than as leader of the Tory Party. He was also commercially grateful for her for two key policies. The first was a reform of the trade-union laws, which he applied ruthlessly to his own employees. The second was the privatization of British Airways, which enabled him to buy British Helicopters International from the government for £30 million."
(Thatcher's Fortunes, Mark Hollingsworth & Paul Halloran, pgs. 295-296)
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the Iron Lady |
It is also interesting that Maxwell did some type of significant favor for Thatcher. Of course, ample evidence has come out in recent years that Thatcher's administration was riddled with pedophiles (noted here). It is possible this favor involved keeping a prominent newspaper closely aligned with Labour from reporting on these developments?
Nor was Thatcher the only potential link Maxwell had to the Cercle complex in the 1980s. A close associate of his during this time was Edmond Safra. Safra was yet another Jewish businessman with reputed links to the Mossad, the KGB, and the Russia mafia. It would appear that Safra had some type of involvement with at least one Belgium Cercle partner linked to pedophilia during the 1980s. In addition to being close to Maxwell, Safra was also on good terms with Edgar Bronfman Sr., whom he served on the Board of Overseers of B'nai B'rith with. As was noted above, Bronfman's daughters would later be linked to the NXIVM cult.
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Safra |
Cohn was of course Trump's former attorney and political mentor until his death in 1986. As I noted throughout my "Goodfellas" series, there is compelling evidence that Cohn himself was a central figure in sexual entrapment operations for decades. One of the most compelling instances involved the Profumo Affair, which brought down the government of Harold Macmillan in the UK (noted here and here).
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Cohn |
While this may seem a stretch, there is a precedent in latter intrigues. Colin Wallace, a former MI5 who was one of the first to blow the whistle on the Kincora Boy's Home pedophile scandal, had become involved with this reactionary network of Tories by the 1970s. In David Teacher's Rogue Agents, it is noted that Wallace was part of psyops operations being waged by right wing elements in MI5 to discredit Labour, Liberal, and Tory leaders alike. Specifically, this network sought to replace Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath (who attended Oxford with Amery and who is deeply implicated in pedophilia) with someone of a "more resolute approach." Someone like, say, Cercle favorite Margaret Thatcher. "Incidentally," it was around this time that rumors began to circulate that Heath was a homosexual.
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Heath |
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Casey |
Ghislaine Maxwell attended this party and would continue to have dealings with Trump even after her father's death in 1991. By 1993, she appears to have made contact with Epstein. By the end of the decade, she is alleged to have recruited girls for him at Mar-a-Lago.
Certainly, this seems to stretch coincidence, especially considering that the NXIVM cult was also being tracked by another Cohn acolyte, Roger Stone, as I noted before here. Isn't it rather curious that two pedophile networks presently threatening to bring down the Democratic party (along with the Republicans and effectively the entire government of these United States) both appear to have been infiltrated by Cohn's minions?
And with that, I shall sign off for now dear readers. Keep the popcorn ready, as the fallout from this train wreck will likely make the Mueller report seem like a walk in the part. As always, stay tuned.
Re black book
Bronfman is indeed there in Gawker's original upload. The article explains who did the outlines and that it was Gawker who made the redactions.
Also see here for a useful text extraction since the original quality is useless for OCR
Epstein / "Storm Area 51"
ReplyDeleteThe child abuse / extra-terrestrial juxtaposition trends once again.
An amazing article, Recluse! You have done it again!
ReplyDeleteAs I was reading I couldn't help but notice the name of Roger Stone. As many of the readers here are most likely aware, Stone got his start in the "Dirty Tricks" department of the Nixon Administration. However, what most people don't know, is that "Roger-Dodger" & leading anti-communist functionary Neil Salonen of the Unification Church, formed a coalition right then and there during Nixon's reign:
A distinctive array of speakers, diligent work by the American Council for World Freedom, and the participation of 400 delegates and observers...worked together to create the very stimulating World Anti-Communist League Conference. The conference...was held in Washington, D.C. on April 8-11 (1974).
The keynote address on the opening day of the session, delivered by Bruce Herschensohn, Deputy Special Assistant to the President...Other speakers included Congressman Richard Ichord...and WACL participants Dr. Ku Cheng-Kang (Honorary Chairman of WACL), Yaroslav Stetsko and youth leaders Neil Salonen (FLF), Roger Stone (Young Republicans), and Ron Robinson (YAF). Outgoing WACL President Raimundo Guerrero, ACWF President Thomas A. Lane, incoming WACL President Fred Schlafly, and WYACL President Ibarra also spoke.
New Age Frontiers Newsletter - November 1969
Student Fast for Freedom - Neil Salonen
Because Vietnam is now America's most crucial national issue, we felt that FLF must take a clear and decisive stand, to be responsible to our created mission. Our campus program has been geared toward uniting the efforts of as many students as possible, to create a coordinated response to the radical activities of the violent revolutionists. In a meeting of all those student groups who were interested in supporting our policy of PEACE WITH FREEDOM, a broad coalition was formed with the Student Coordinating Committee for Peace with Freedom in Vietnam; the Washington, D. C., Young Republicans; and the Young Americans for Freedom. The coalition adopted the name STUDENT FAST FOR FREEDOM and formed a steering committee for all planning...The Fast Coordinators, Neil Salonen (FLF) and Charlie Stephens (SCC)…
Thanks again, Recluse...and look forward to your next post!
Well yeah, let's not forget where the name Bronfman keeps showing up where is relates to sex cults. The Bronfman's family fortune was also instrumental in the sale of the Belevedere estate in Westchester county N.Y. to Rev. Moon in the early 1970's. This became the epicenter of Moonie recruiting for decades afterward.
ReplyDeleteREV. Moon started out in Korean Intelligence. The use of cults by intelligence is something I have witnessed myself. I have no direct knowledge of this from my work in intelligence, but since they are far right wing, the moonies, and their religion a lot of conspiracy theory babbling, etc... they make the perfect cult to take activist types out of circulation. This was one of the FBI's primary use of one cult I investigated in School, and they had people totally controlled for almost twenty years before it began to break apart. I worry now about how cult like the tRump group is. I know him from Intelligence as well. You do not get to be president without friends in one of the groups that run things from behind the scenes, and he is in one that is racist, which is no surprise.... what would surprise people to know is that an active race war was fought in the underground a few years ago, pitting the CIA against a black group who certainly had reason to fight back... THE CIA got their asses kicked by the way.
DeleteThis is such amazing work. Thank you Recluse.