Welcome to the fifth installment in my examination of the highly secretive European network at times referred to as Le Cercle, Pinay Cercle or the Pinay Group (which has been described as an inner circle of Le Cercle in some accounts). Cercle emerged in the early 1950s as an offshoot of the United Europe movement, with many of its early backers coming form the ranks of the Pan-European Union (PEU) and especially Otto von Habsburg's European Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI). Virtually all of the major players in Le Cercle's early days had backgrounds in the intelligence services of Western Europe, the Vatican and, later, the United States.
As was noted in the first installment, there was much overlap between Le Cercle and the CIA-backed European Movement and the Bilderberg Group in the early days with Eastern Establishment luminaries such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski being covertly recruited into the group by the late 1960s. But it would be a mistake, however, to dismiss Le Cercle as a mere auxiliary of the Bilderberg Group as many have.
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the Bilderberg hotel from which the group derived its name |
With part two I began to consider the two figures chiefly responsible for turning Cercle into a major international force: former French prime minister and sometimes namesake Antoine Pinay and fellow Frenchman Jean Violet, who has been linked to the intelligence services of France, West Germany and the Vatican as well as possible involvement in the proto-fascist La Cagoule in 1930s France. La Cagoule has of course long been accused of involvement in Martinism and synarchy, which was also addressed in that installment.
The third installment considered two organizations, the Brussels-based Academie Europeenne des Sciences Politiques (AESP, often referred to simply as the Academy) and Briton Brian Crozier's 61 network, that effectively served as Le Cercle's own private intelligence network from the early 1970s up until the late 1980s. In 1979, upon the death of Academy founder Florimond Damman (a long time member of the CEDI and a very close associate of Violet and Crozier's), the remnants of the AESP were rolled into the 6I creating quite a formidable private intelligence network for Le Cercle.
The 6I network alone is reputed to have played a key role in Margaret Thatcher's rise to power, which some have referred to as a silent coup. Even more disturbing, however, is the fact that both the Academy and 6I as were deeply implicated in pedophile networks in Belgium and the United Kingdom catering towards elites. These networks were linked to the ones exposed in the wake of the Dutroux affair and the Westminster allegations (which were given new life after the revelations concerning Jimmy Savile), respectively.
In part four I broke down several of the other organizations that comprised the Cercle complex. These organizations include the American Security Council (ASC, addressed at length before here), the World Anti-Communist League (WACL, addressed at length before here), Aginter Press (addressed before here and here), Propaganda Due (P2, addressed before here), the National Strategic Information Center (NSIC), the International Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture (ICDCC), the Unification Church, the Family/Fellowship (addressed at length before here), the Heritage Foundation and the Safari Club.
All of these organizations had extensive ties to the intelligence services of Western Europe, the United States and several other "partner" nations. The ASC and the WACL were, much like Le Cercle itself, combination think tank/lobby groups and private intelligence networks with an international reach. Both Aginter and P2 were extensively linked to acts of terrorism (as noted before here) while the ICDCC, the Unification Church, the Family and the Heritage Foundation played a major role in the rise of the modern American Christian fundamentalist movement and the modern conservative movement in general. Meanwhile the Safari Club played a key role in the rise of militant Islam in Afghanistan.
These things combined with the presence of so many Maltese knights, Opusians and other Catholic extremists in its ranks of Le Cercle led this researcher to dub the organization a proponent of clerical fascism. Certainly there is little disputing Le Cercle's decades of support for religious extremism of various stripes but especially of the Christian variety.
But there is an even darker aspect of Le Cercle that has only been little touched upon up to this point. Certainly the astute reader has begun to notice that, despite the abundance of Christian and even Islamic extremists within its ranks, there is also ample evidence of occult trappings behind the order as well. What's more, there are truly shocking ties to pedophile networks that span the globe. Already those involved in Belgium and Britain have been examined at length before. As was noted in the third installment, leading figures of both the Belgium and British Cerlce wings have been deeply implicated in pedophilia (including at least three former British Cercle chairmen). Nor are the Belgium and British scandals the only evidence of institutional pedophilia being committed by Le Cercle.
Before delving more deeper into these topics I need to pause now and consider two more organizations that were a part of the Cercle complex. These were left out of the prior installment as I felt it made more sense to address them here as they cut to the heart of Cercle's dealings in the occult and pedophilia. So on to the first group.
the Albertini network
This was yet another private intelligence network, largely based out of France, that Cercle would utilize. Whether or not this network had any formal name is unknown to this researcher, thus I have named it after its head, Georges Albertini. Albertini was active in both Cercle itself as well as Crozier's 61 network and was likely part of the "command staff" of Cercle. His background, however, is what is of the greatest interest to us here:
"Albertini was irremediably tainted by a Fascist and collaborationist background. Despite his great qualities, he lacked critical judgment at times of crisis. He was also short of luck. As a very young man, in the 1930s, had been a Socialist, joining the entourage of the Prime Minister of Popular Front days, Leon Blum. He then switched to the Fascist, as many others had done, and joined the group of Marcel Deat (who had also been a Socialist, but had turned to Fascism, largely because of despair over the failures and inefficiency of the parliamentary system of France's Third Republic).
"When the war came, Deat and the young Albertini had become collaborators. More precisely, Deat collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded France, while Albertini joined the Vichy government as a member of the Secretariat of Marshall Petain's Pierre Laval. This was indeed the choice of the overwhelming majority of the French people, who had rallied to Petain as the hero of Verdun in 1917 and the one man who could save the country after its catastrophic defeat by Hitler. Only a tiny minority had chosen the lonely path of resistance advocated by General de Gaulle.
"After the liberation of France by the Allies, Albertini paid dearly for having made the wrong choice. He was jailed for two years for collaboration. From my SDECE friend, Antoine Bonnemaison, I learned that he was initially condemned to death but reprieved.
"After his release, he changed his views by 180 degrees, in economics as well as politics. He dropped socialism in favor of enterprise and the market economy. From Vichy and collaboration, he became an ardent Gaullist. For many years, he held two jobs. In the mornings, he was political adviser to the merchant bank and business consortium, Worms. In the afternoons, he crossed the Boulevard Haussmann to run his fortnightly Est & Ouest, the most authoritative publication in the French language on the problems of Communism. Having accurately predicted the seizure of the Suez Canal by Colonel Nassar in 1956, well ahead of the event, he saved millions for the shareholders of the Compagnie Universelle du Canal de Suez, and his morning job was safe for life.
"There was more to him, however, then his combination of jobs. He had built up a huge network of informants and helpers and was increasingly consulted by those in high offices of state to which he had ceased to aspire. Moreover, he and Georges Pompidou had been at school together, and during the Pompidou presidency and beyond he was true eminence grise for the Elysee."
(Free Agent, Brian Crozier, pg. 103)
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Georges Albertini |
"Georges Albertini, one of the mainstays of post-war French anti-communism, had had a controversial war-time past: a former right-hand man of the pro-Nazi collaborator Marcel Déat during the Occupation, Albertini had been a member of the Vichy administration working in the Secretariat of the Vichy Prime Minister Pierre Laval. After being jailed for two years for collaboration, during which time he shared a cell with banker Hippolyte Worms, Albertini became an ardent Gaullist, helped by his schooltime days with Georges Pompidou. Through his contacts in politics and his work as a political advisor to the Worms banking and business consortium, Albertini set up "a huge network of informants and helpers", working as an 'Honourable Correspondent' of the SDECE and as an unofficial advisor to both Pompidou and later Jacques Chirac. Albertini was a longstanding associate of Antoine Pinay: both men had attended a series of conferences on Soviet political warfare organised in 1960-61 by Suzanne Labin, future mainstay of WACL's French section (46). Albertini's Centre d'Archives et de Documentation politique et sociale also produced the fortnightly magazine Est et Ouest, 'the most authoritative publication in the French language on the problems of Communism' in Crozier's view, a publication which may well have been part of the Interdoc network (47). As well as serving as one of the major channels for anti-Socialist propaganda in France in the mid-1970s, Albertini would also become closely involved in the Cercle complex, publishing the ISC's output in French, attending Cercle meetings and playing a significant part in Crozier's private intelligence service, the 6I."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 28-29)
What's especial interesting about Albertini's time during the Occupation is the close proximity Albertini found himself to alleged synarchists active in the French government and industry both before and after the Occupation. Of particular interest is Albertini's ties to Hippolyte Worms and his bank. Allegedly the so-called "Worms clique" was very active in the synarchist movement.
"... collaboration with Germany could count on more than enough eager supporters among French industrial and banking interests – in short, among those who even before the war had turned to Nazi Germany and had looked to Hitler as the savior of Europe from Communism. These were the elements which had originally backed Petain and Weygand – elements that stuck to the program after both these men had begun to back away from it. These people were as good fascists as any in Europe. They dreaded the Popular Front like the plague and were convinced that they could prosper even under Hitler's iron rod. Many of them had long had extensive and intimate business relations with German interest and were still dreaming of a new system of 'synarchy,' which meant government of Europe on fascist principles by an international brotherhood of financiers and industrialists. Laval had long been associated with this group. Darlan, though not one of the 'boys,' was clever enough to take them into camp. If they worshiped Laval, they served Darlan, as they would have served anyone who played the game...
"Many important banking groups must be included in this category: the Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (which was Laval's group par excellence), the Banque de l'Indochine (of which Baudoin was the chief), the Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, and others. But peculiarly identified with the Darlan regime was the Banque Worms et Cie, headed by Hippolyte Worms, with Gabriel Leroy-Ladurie and Jacques Barnaud as the dominant figures. To realize the extent to which members of the Banque Worms group had been taken into the government by the autumn 1941 a brief survey of the council of the Secretaries of State will be profitable...
"From this list it appears at once that practically every minister or secretaryship touching economic affairs was in the hands of one or another of the Worms clique. Many of them, like Pucheu, Bouthillier, Barnaud, and Lehideux were able men – as able as they were self-interested and unscrupulous. Pucheu, of whom quite a bit became known through his trial for treason, was an excellent organizer and a man who, in point of ambition, was hardly second to Darlan himself. He had been closely associated with the Cagoulard and other prewar fascist movements. As an agent of the Cartel Siderurgique he had sought to promote co-operation between French and German heavy industry. In other words, he, like several of the others, had a collaborationist past and was not only willing but eager to join up with the enemy. Darlan could count on these men, who not only arranged for the shipment of goods and manufactured products to Germany, but also served as go-betweens in arranging the transfer of French manufacturing establishments to German ownership or control. Needless to say, they turned a pretty penny in the process and furthered their own affairs at the same time. This economic collaboration, which was a very real thing from the outset, was not affected by the vicissitudes of political collaboration. It was well-established before the war and served well the purpose of both German and French interest."
(Our Vichy Gamble, William L. Langer, pgs. 167-170)
As was noted in the second installment of this series, Cercle co-founder Jean Violet was accused of participating in the proto-fascist La Cagoule during the 1930s. La Cagoule had in turn been closely associated with synarchism and Martinism, as was noted in that installment. And here we find another early Cercle member, Georges Albertini, involved with figures linked to La Cagoule prior to the Occupation.
Pierre Laval and Francois Darlan have both been linked to synarchy and La Cagoule despite both men being intense rivals for power in Vichy France. Laval seems to have had the weakest links to either movement. Nor was Albertini's previous political mentor, Marcel Deat, linked to La Cagoule or synarchy. Hippolyte Worms and his bank were another story, however. As the above quote demonstrates, the "Worms clique" was very much involved in the financing of La Cagoule and has long been suspected of adhering to synarchist ideology. Albertini seems to have been especially close to Worms and his bank, being employed by it for quite a few years.
Thus, it would seem that at least two of the key members in Cercle's French wing, Jean Violet and Goerges Albertini, were possibly active in synarchist circles at some point before or during the Occupation. Keep this in mind dear reader as we shall return to this topic in a future installment.
For now, there is one final curiosity concerning Albertini that I would like to address: his membership in the Information Council of the Americans (INCA). Albertini sat on the "International Advisory Committee" for this New Orleans-based anti-Communist outfit. The INCA was co-founded by Dr. Alton Ochsner, the legendary surgeon and cancer specialist, and Edward Scannell Butler, a man frequently described as a professional propagandist. Here's a bit more background on the INCA:
"... Born in 1935 in New Orleans, Butler at one time or another has been a male model, a Fuller Brush salesman, and an Army public relations man. His political predilections led him to toy with the Birch Society and to speak before White Citizens Councils. In 1960 he became executive director of a New Orleans anti-Castro group called the Free Voice of Latin America. 'This young man's ultra-right-wing views were not only embarrassing but in my opinion dangerous,' a former Free Voice official recalls. 'He could think of nothing but the danger of some global-encircling communist conspiracy and that it was the primary goal of the Free Voice to forewarn the people of Latin America.'
"Ousted from the Free Voice, Butler formed the Information Council of the Americas (INCA) and persuaded several Free Voice directors to join him. Dr. Alton Ochsner, a prominent New Orleans ultraconservative who heads the widely known Ochsner Clinic, was installed as president, and other civic lights accepted lesser post. INCA literature blossomed with an International Advisory Committee that included Herbert Philbrick, retired National Air Lines chairman Dudley Swim, and Earl A. Emerson, once chairman of Armco Steel. And Frawley has later been added. In 1965 Butler and INCA were lauded on the floor of Congress by Louisiana's Hale Boggs, and Senators Karl Mundt and Everett Dirksen later followed suit. As the Free Voice official put it, 'I'm continuously amazed by Butler's Orwellian use of conceptual words and by his uncanny ability to impress his odd definition of men of high office.' "
(Power of the Right, William Turner, pg. 185)
During this era there were any number of far-right anti-Communist groups that have long since been forgotten. Butler and the INCA continue to be commented upon for one peculiar event: Butler's "debate" with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba scuffle in New Orleans.
The interview was sponsored by William Stuckley of the station WDSU, on which the debate was aired live in 1963. Also appearing as part of the debate was anti-Castro Cuban Carlos Bringuier along with Stuckey, Oswald and Butler. Bringuier was a member of the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC). In Secret Agenda H.P. Albarelli quotes a report by Ralph Schoeman to the Rockefeller Commission that notes Bringuier was in contact with the anti-Communist groups supported by Bulgarian Spas Raikin.
As I noted before here, Raikin was one of the first officials to approach to Lee Harvey Oswald upon his return to the United States from Minsk. Raikin was a member of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) and the Asian People's Anti-Communist League (APACL), the two organizations that would eventually merge into the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). As was noted before here and here, the Academy (and thus Le Cercle itself) had very close ties to the WACL. What's more, Charles Willoughby's associate Theodor Oberlander, who was active with him the International Committee for the Defense of Christian Civilization (along with Antoine Pinay, as was noted before here) had ties to Raikin via the ABN and later the WACL network. Albarelli reports that is likely Raikin may have been friendly with Edward Butler through the League as well. Thus, its possible that Bringuier and Butler were already awre of one another via this anti-Communist network (that was also very close to Le Cercle) prior to the interview with Oswald.
It was during this interview that Oswald's famously proclaimed himself a Marxist. This statement and several others would be used repeatedly by the conspiratorial right for years afterwards as evidence of a Communist conspiracy. The INCA would play a crucial role in making Oswald's notorious interview with Butler widely available in the wake of the JFK assassination.
But it is likely that the INCA were far more than a mere citizens' advocacy group:
"Employees of the banana companies, to begin with, were involved with Oswald himself. It was for example a Standard Fruit employee, Manuel Gil, who arranged for and managed the Bill Stuckey program that aired the televised Oswald-Bringuier 'debate' (the footage used on November 22 to tell the world that Oswald was a dishonest, Marxist, Castro sympathizer). It is true the Gil (a veteran of the New Orleans CRC) probably did so as an associate of Ed Butler's INCA, the Information Council of the Americas, a New Orleans right-wing propaganda operation that almost certainly did work for the CIA. But so many Standard Fruit employees were associated with INCA that one may perhaps conclude that Standard Fruit, at least as much as the CIA, was sponsoring INCA's propaganda activities in Latin America. As I wrote in a monograph submitted to Robert Blakely and the House Committee on Assassinations,
Standard Fruit's employees at INCA included its General Counsel Eberhard Deutsch (Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor); Cuban refugee activist and CRC veteran Manuel Gill... and William I. Monaghan, who later resigned and joined Oswald at the William B. Reiley [coffee] Company. And a 'Charter Member' of INCA was Standard Fruit's Director Seymour Weiss, a veteran anticommunist and political heavy from the Huey Long era. Weiss was said to have run New Orleans for the National Crime Syndicate along with the more famous mafioso Carlos Marcello.
Many U.S. multinational supported INCA, through foundation such as the Cordell Hull Foundation. INCA's anti-Communist activities in Latin America, in practice, meant opposing all political parties advocating nationalization of U.S. corporations. Thus INCA clearly served the economic interest of U.S. firms doing business there."
(Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Peter Dale Scott, pgs. 94-95)
But beyond business interests, as Scott notes above, it is also almost certain that there were ties with the US intelligence community as well. In The Man Who Knew Too Much, Dick Russell notes that the INCA was perceived by some as psychological warfare operation: "Butler said he had conceived of this psychological warfare PR unit while serving in a special Army unit 'in the quiet little town of Alexandria, Virginia' " (pg. 401).
A "special Army unit?" As noted in the Turner quote, Butler did work as a military public relations man for a time. And here, during the 1960s, he would turn up in New Orleans, a city especially active in Latin America Cold War intrigues at the time. And he would just so happen to conduct an interview with Lee Harvey Oswald several months before the JFK assassination, an interview that has been used repeatedly since to label Oswald as a Communist. In this context, Georges Albertini's presence on the INCA's International Advisory Committee is even more eyebrow raising as Albertini seems to have been deeply engaged in psychological warfare operations via his own Est et Ouest as well as his work with Brian Crozier in the ISC and the 6I (to say nothing of Le Cercle).
As curious as all of this is, there are have long been rumblings that there was an even more sinister agenda lurking behind the INCA. In 2007 the highly controversial Dr. Mary's Monkey by Edward Haslam was published and three years later it was followed by Judith Vary Baker's Me and Lee, an even more controversial work. Both books effectively allege that Dr. Albert Ochsner was working on a top secret project for the US intelligence community that involved developing viruses as weapons. Baker alleges that she herself was involved in this project with Ochsner along with Dr. Mary Sherman (who was murdered in 1964 in New Orleans under very mysterious circumstances) and David Ferrie, a man long linked to the Kennedy assassination.
The INCA was not apparently directly involved in these intrigues but certain members (i.e. former FBI man William I. Monaghan) allegedly aided Ochsner towards these ends. This researcher would again like to stress that the claims of Haslam and Baker (who, among other things, claims to have been Lee Harvey Oswald's lover) are extremely controversial. And indeed, there seems to be more than enough curiosities surrounding the INCA not involving biological weapons to warrant a closer examination. More on that in a future installment. For now, let us turn to another strange Cercle contact.
the Colony
Easily one of the most disturbing and eyebrow raising associations Cercle had was with the notorious Chilean commune known as Colonia Dignidad (the Colony of Dignity, commonly referred to simply as the Colony). Founded in the early 1960s by German immigrants, the Colony allegedly sought to promote "traditional" Christian living via 1940s era clothing, abstaining from modern electric devices and 14 hour work days, among others things. Superficially at least the sect was supposed to be something akin to Mennonites. It was not long after the Colony's founding, however the dark rumblings of fugitive Nazis, elaborate torture centers and pedophilia began to emerge.
Here's a bit more about the background of the Colony and the man who founded it, Herr Paul Schafer:
"Paul Schafer was one of the founders of the Colony of Righteousness and was, and is, its only leader. Schafer jumped bail in Germany in 1961 on charges of child sexual abuse, but that did not stop him from taking a group of families with him when he fled to Chile, arriving there in 1962 at the age of 40 with around sixty 'blond, blue-eyed settlers'... including some children who were brought there under false pretenses, taken from their families back in Germany. His flock came from the town of Siegburg, across the Rhine from Bonn, where Schafer claimed to be a psychologist, and where he ran the youth home where the sexual-abuse charges originated. Schafer, also the leader of a Baptist sect (a sect which evidently condones sexual intercourse between adults and children among other peculiarities), bought an old ranch called El Lavafero about 250 miles south of Santiago in the Parral region and quickly converted it into a self-sufficient, model community known as Colonia Dignidad, the 'Colony of Righteousness' or 'Dignity Colony.'
"The population of the Colony eventually grew to about 350, composed of 250 adults and 100 children. According to reports in the Chilean and German press, the sexes are rigorously separated and sexual intercourse is forbidden (except, one gathers, at the discretion of Schafer). And since sex is prohibited, the only way the Colony has been able to increase its population has been by 'importing' children from Germany. German authorities have been investigating charges that from thirty to forty children reported missing from the Bonn and Cologne areas have wound up at the Colony. Thus, charges of both child abuse and international child abductions have been leveled at this remote cult community by eyewitnesses, escapees, and responsible members of the West German and Chilean governments. The parallels between Colonia Dignidad and the stories told by 'satanic cult survivors,' however, are even stronger...
"Accounts of the size of the Colony vary from news report to news report. Everything from 12,000 acres to 37,000 acres has been offered, and accounts of its operations also include a mine, a lumber mill, and a gravel factory. The author believes it is safe to say that the county has grown considerably over the years and that estimates of a 37,000-acre settlement might not be far from the mark, considering the other purposes to which the Colony was put both during and after the Allenda regime...
"... in 1966, the first of many accusations against Schafer and the Colony surfaced when Wolfgang Muller escaped the 'watchdogs, electronic alarms and six-foot barbed wire fences' to describe life inside the Colony. Muller – who had been brought over from Germany as a member of the original Siegburg group when he was sixteen – claimed that he had been forced into slave labor at the Colony, was beaten, and had been sexually abused by Schafer in Germany when he was twelve years old. One of Muller's most interesting claims – especially in light of later events – is his insistence that Schafer had given him 'memory-altering drugs' when Mueller attempted to rebel or to reveal the details of his abuse at Schafer's hands. He also complained of electroshock treatments being administered by camp doctors... After his third escape, he wound up at the West German embassy in Santiago and now lives in that country under an assumed name, still afraid for his life.
"Muller also revealed the existence of several former Nazis who lived at the Colony but denied that Nazism was part of the Colony's ideology. Later that same year, another escapee –Wilhelmine Lindeman – appeared with the same story of mind-altering drugs. This time, there was medical proof of her story: doctors discovered evidence of injections on her body."
(Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda, pgs. 313-315)
The Colony's notoriety only grew after Allende was overthrow and replaced by Pinochet in 1973. Numerous political prisoners were taken to the Colony were they were "re-educated" via electroshock, drugs and sensory deprivation, along with more "conventional" forms of torture (i.e. mauling prisoners with German shepherds). Much more information of these activities can be found here.
Eventually the Colony would become a key component of Operation Condor.
"... it was also revealed that Colonia Dignidad was an important node in the communications network of Operation Condor: the multinational effort by Chile, Argentina, and other South American dictatorships to run guns, launder money, assassinate political opponents in the Americas and elsewhere in the world, and to develop weapons of mass destruction such as chemical and biological weapons."
(The Hitler Legacy, Peter Levenda, pg. 171)
Condor in turn was closely linked to frequent Cercle partner the World Anti-Communist league (WACL):
"These offshore events in 1976 were mirrored by similar arrangements for off-loading former CIA agents and operators in Latin America. This was the Confederacion Anticomunista Latinoamericana (CAL) and its death-squad collaboration Operation Condor. Operation Condor was a coalition of intelligence agencies of CAL countries, chiefly Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay. The CAL was funded through the World Anti-Communist League by the governments of South Korea and Taiwan and – once again – the petrodollars of Saudi Arabia."
(The Road to 9/11, Peter Dale Scott, pg. 63)
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the regions in which Condor was active |
It was not until 1996, several years after the end of the Cold War, that Chilean authorities were finally spurred to action. Evidence of a mass grave, torture chambers and facilities capable of producing chemical weapons were found. Later, an enormous cache of weapons was also found.
And Schafer? He fled the Colony in 1997 after being charged with child sexual abuse. He spent eight years on the run until he was finally caught in Argentina in 2005. He was returned to Chile and incarcerated, mercifully dying in 2010 in prison. In all he was convicted of abusing some 25 children, but it has long been suspected that that number is much higher. In addition to the children he was suspected of abducting from Germany, there were also reports that children from nearby the Colony frequently "disappeared" as well.
As for the ties the Colony had to Le Cercle, they unsurprisingly came from the group's German wing. During the mid-1970s Le Cercle began an intense propaganda campaign to attack the Soviet Union for its lack of religious freedom. Both the Academie Europeenne des Sciences Politiques (AESP, frequently referred to as simply "the Academy") and Brian Crozier's Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC, a predecessor to the 6I that was primarily focused on propaganda as noted before here) took leading roles in these endeavors. As was noted before here, the Brussels-based Academy had several key members who had been implicated in pedophilia in Belgium.
By 1977 it was felt that Cercle's German wing should also become involved in promoting religious freedom in the Soviet Union. A group was formed for this purpose.
"The AESP and the ISC were not the only Cercle associates to support these campaigns; the Cercle's German friends also contributed. As we have seen, the German pillars of the Cercle throughout the 1970s had been Strauß's CSU, represented by Cercle/6I member Count Hans Huyn, and the Swiss group ISP, run by AESP partner Karl Friedrich Grau. In 1977, the Cercle's German friends set up a specialised group to support the campaigns on religious freedom being run by the ISC and the AESP – a German equivalent to the earlier British-based CSRC/Keston College.
"This new group was the Brüsewitz Centre, a 'Christian' group whose aim was to 'publicise human rights violations and particularly the violations of the freedom of worship in the so-called German Democratic Republic'. The Brüsewitz Centre was named after Oskar Brüsewitz, an East German priest who burned himself alive in August 1976; the priest's widow tried in vain to prevent the group using his name. The founding body for the Brüsewitz Centre was the Christlich- Paneuropäische Studienwerk [Christian Paneuropean Study Group], founded in July 1977 and chaired by Otto von Habsburg's teenage daughter, Walburga von Habsburg (334)*. The Brüsewitz Centre's Board included several well-known faces: Habsburg, Huyn and Merkatz, all three CEDI members and early associates of the AESP. On the Board of the Brüsewitz Centre, we also find the Czech exile Ludek Pachmann, whom we have already met as a speaker for Grau's ISP in 1975-76 along with Habsburg and Huyn. Habsburg, Merkatz and Pachmann of the Brüsewitz Board would all also serve on the Board of Amnesty International's right-wing rival, the IGfM.
"The Brüsewitz Centre's Board also included five other Germans who would crop up in later Cercle operations in the 1980s..."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pg. 157)
It is one of those five above-mentioned board members of the Brusewitz Centre that gave Cercle its line to the Colony:
"The third Brüsewitz Board member of note was Dr. Lothar Bossle, a member of the Central Committee of German Catholics, President of the Katholische Deutsche Akademikerschaft [Catholic German Academic Society] and one of the most vocal opponents of liberation theology. Having been a socialist student activist in his youth, Bossle would switch to the CDU in 1959; from 1960 to 1963, he worked at the German Army School in Koblenz before being assisted by Filbinger in becoming Professor at the Pedagogical High School in Lörrach. In 1972, Bossle was active within the Aktion der Mitte group which used industry millions from Axel Springer and others to publish election propaganda against the socialist-liberal coalition ('One dose of socialism – from 1933 to 1945 – was quite enough!'); in 1974, he was a cofounder of the pro-CSU campaign group KDK. In 1975, he courted controversy in calling Allende a 'socialist Hitler' and then applying the same treatment to Willy Brandt and Olof Palme. Bossle would become one of Pinochet's most fervent supporters in Germany ('Chile is on the path to true democracy') and a key contact person for Colonia Dignidad, the German group in Chile linked to the Chilean secret service DINA, which Bossle visited at least four times (335)*...
"More significantly, whilst at Würzburg, Bossle would act as Director and later President of the Institut für Demokratieforschung [IfD, Institute for Democracy Research], one of whose Vice-Presidents was Cercle member Count Hans Huyn. In 1977, the IfD published Huyn's contribution to the Cercle's post-Helsinki human rights campaign, Menschenrechte und Selbstbestimmung (Human rights and selfdetermination); in 1974, Huyn had been a co-founder of the Swiss-based Europäische Konferenz für Menschenrechte und Selbstbestimmung [EKMS, European Conference for Human Rights and Self-Determination], another forum for the Cercle complex which would work closely with Sager's SOI throughout the 1980s. In 1977, the IfD would also support the fledgling Brüsewitz Centre, publishing the report Oskar Brüsewitz: Sein Protest – sein Tod – seine Mahnung [Oskar Brüsewitz: his protest – his death – his warning]. In 1979, the IfD would publish a German version of Crozier's February 1978 Conflict Study Surrogate Forces of the Soviet Union, and Bossle would organise a 1979 conference by Crozier at the Sociological Institute of Würzburg University (337)*.
"Bossle's IfD had extensive intelligence contacts - the IfD's scientific director was prominent CDU MP and later Brüsewitz Board member Heinrich Lummer, whose numerous Libyan trips were financed by the BND; the deputy scientific director was former Major-General Gerd Helmut Komossa, from 1977 to 1980 head of Germany's military security service, the MAD.
"Bossle's close associate on the Board of the IfD was Prof. Dieter Blumenwitz. Professor of International and Constitutional Law at Würzburg University from 1976 on, Blumenwitz had represented Bavaria before the Federal Constitutional Court in summer 1973 in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to prevent the conclusion of the Basic Treaty governing relations between East and West Germany. Blumenwitz shared Bossle's close links with Chile and reportedly visited Colonia Dignidad with Bossle. In 1979, Blumenwitz was one of the co-authors with Crozier of Pinochet's Chilean Constitution; in 1980, Blumenwitz intervened on behalf of Colonia Dignidad in legal proceedings seeking to block Amnesty International's German section from publishing allegations that the colony had served as a secret DINA torture centre (338)*. Like many of the Cercle's German friends, Blumenwitz was also a Board Member of the IGfM and an advisor to and author for the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 158-159)
While neither Lothar Bossle or Dieter Blumenwitz were technically members of Le Cercle, both individuals worked very closely with the group's German wing. Count Hans Huyn, who was involved with the IfD along with Bossle and Blumenwitz, was likely a founding member of Le Cercle and very close to its leadership. He was also a member of the pedophile-linked Academy/AESP and Crozier's 61 (which had ties to the Westminster pedophile scandals, as noted before here).
Bossle and Blumenwitz also seem to be especially concerned with the well being of the Colony as well, with Blumenwitz even interceding on its behalf before the German section of Amnesty International. And all the while Bossle was in contact with Academy (via several members of the Brusewitz Centre) and Crozier's 6I network (via Count Hans Huyn), both of whom have numerous ties to pedophile networks in Belgium and Britain.
This is all rather ominous, especially in light of the above-mentioned allegations that children were being abducted from Germany and shipped to Herr Schafer and the Colony. What is the probability of this same group of elites being in contact with politically-connected pedophile rings in Belgium, Britain and Chile (Pinochet was a guest of the Colony while American DINA agent Michael Vernon Townley served as a contact between the Colony and Pinochet's security services) being a mere "coincidence"? I suspect not very high and those numbers would not be improved by the possibility that Le Cercle had ties to even more pedophile rings than those in Belgium, Britain and Chile. But more on that in a moment.
While Le Cercle does not appear to have become involved with the Colony until the late 1970s, there were possible earlier links. One via the WACL was already hinted at above, that related to Operation Condor, though these plots did not get going until 1976, shortly before Cercle's first formal contacts with the Colony.
Opus Dei, which was very closely aligned with Le Cercle (some have argued it in fact controls the group) had been active in Chile since the 1950s and, according to Robert Hutchison in Their Kingdom Come, were very close to Pinochet and his regime. I have not, however, found any direct links to the Colony.
The Colony's strongest European contact seems to have been former SS commander Otto Skorzeny's network, which included the arms dealership known as Merex and the Paladin Group. The founder of Merex was former Wehrmacht officer Gerhard Mertins, who appears to have been in contact with the Colony from the early days. Mertins would come to the defense of the Colony in Germany during the late 1970s, at the same time Blumenwitz was trying to protect it from Amnesty International.
Le Cercle does not seem to have had direct ties to Skorzeny's network, which is hardly surprising. Le Cercle was highly secretive and very sensitive about their support for fascism. Skorzeny's group was to high profile and to unabashedly Nazi. Skorzeny himself had been a minor celebrity since WWII and would continue to fascinate the tabloids until his death in 1975. Thus, Le Cercle would have been very cautious about any potential approach to Skorzeny.
Still, there were ample intermediaries available to either group. In Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a Black Terrorist, Stuart Christie notes that Skorzeny collaborated with Aginter Press and its founder, Yves Guerin-Serac. The ties Cercle had to Aginter via the Academy were already noted before here and here. In NATO's Secret Armies, Daniele Ganser reports that the notorious neo-fascist Italian terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie was employed by Skorzeny in Spain during the early 1970s. As was noted before here, Delle Chiaie was also in contact with the Academy's Benoit de Bonvoisin, who has been deeply implicated in Belgium's pedophile networks.
And then there is Gerhard Mertins himself, who Stuart Christie notes in Stefano Delle Chiaie was an agent of the BND, West Germany's primary intelligence service. As was noted above, the IfD that Bossle and Blumenwitz were involved with had close ties to the BND as well. As was noted here, it is believed that Jean Violet, one of the co-founders of Le Cercle, was an agent of the BND and throughout David Teacher's groundbreaking account of Le Cercle in Rogue Agents, he indicates that there were close ties between Le Cercle and the BND.
Was Le Cercle aware of the Colony even before it had contact with it via Bossle and Blumenwitz? Certainly the BND would have been well placed to facilitate contact between the Colony and Le Cercle.
the Franklin Scandal
There are at least two other networks were the possibility of a link to Le Cercle exists. The first is one of the most notorious alleged elite pedophile rings in the United States. The fallout surrounding it is typically referred to as "the Franklin scandal" and unfolded in the heartlands of Nebraska. The central figure in it is one Lawrence ("Larry") E. King, who at one time was a rising star in the Republican Party. He was the Vice Chairman for Finance of the National Black Republican Council, a sanctioned affiliate of the Republican National Committee and sang the "National Anthem" at both in 1984 and 1988 Republican National Conventions.
King seemed poised to become a major national figure, but then the bottom suddenly fell out from underneath him in late 1988. King was the manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, and on November 4 it was raided by federal agents. It was ultimately concluded that nearly $40 million had been stolen from the credit union and King found himself being indicted on 40 counts that included conspiracy, fraud and embezzlement.
But this was only the beginning of King's problems. In 1989 several children came forward and alleged that King was the head of a pedophile ring that pimped out minors to powerful local figures and even those in Washington, D.C. Boy's Town, the legendary Catholic orphanages, was also implicated in this scandal, being accused of offering up children for this network.
While King was ultimately convicted of financial crimes, the allegations of child abuse were dismissed. The mainstream media was quick to proclaim a hoax, but Franklin continued to draw interest from researchers who found much compelling evidence to collaborate some of the allegations against King. Then, in 1999, one of the alleged victims (Paul Bonacci) and his attorney, John DeCamp (a former CIA agent who participated in the Phoenix Program and who has dominated much of the debate surrounding the Franklin scandal for nearly two decades now) partly succeeded with a civil lawsuit against King.
Bryant goes on to note that King originally appealed this ruling, but withdrew the appeal following "actions for depositions," according to DeCamp. While DeCamp is hardly the most credible source, Urbom's ruling and compelling research into the scandal from works such as Bryant's strongly indicate that there was a basis in reality for the charges made against King. Unfortunately, despite the persistence with which the scandal has hung around, there still seems to be a ways to go before a truly accurate picture of the scandal can be had. And likely this will not be forth coming without criminal charges being brought against someone.
For those of you interested, here is a long banned documentary on Franklin originally produced by the Discovery Channel in 1994 that will provide more details on the allegations surrounding Franklin:
As for the possible ties Franklin had to Le Cercle, they are tenuous. As I already noted before here, there have been allegations that the King pedophile ring was linked to the one in Belgium via the notorious public relations specialist Robert Keith Gray. Gray hailed from Nebraska originally and was said to be a close friend of Harold Anderson, the publisher of the Omaha World-Herald and an individual implicated in King's pedophile ring.
Gray worked for many years for the legendary PR firm Hill & Knowlton, but departed by 1981 to form his own PR firm. In the early 1980s, Douglas MacArthur II was involved with Hill & Knowlton around the same time he chaired the European Institute of Management (EIM), a private security firm linked to terrorism and pedophile rings in Belgium (as noted before here). MacArthur II and the EIM group both had ties to Le Cercle, but this researcher has found nothing to indicate that MacArthur II personally knew Gray or that they had been working at Hill & Knowlton together at the same time. Thus, it does not seem very likely that Gray was a bridge between Le Cercle and Franklin.
A much more compelling connection comes in the form of Reagan's first CIA director, the notorious William Casey. Casey, a former OSS man and Knight of Malta, was apparently held in high esteem by King. There have long been allegations that King was an agent of Casey.
The American Security Council (ASC), Cercle's closets US partner for decades, was deeply involved with supplying weapons to Central America as part of Iran-Contra. Oliver North had close ties to this network, though I have found no links between King's Citizens for America group and the ASC complex. Still ,the possibility of ties is strong as these circles were very incestuous.
Much more compelling is King's alleged relationship with Max Hugel. Hugel is a curious figure --a Brooklyn Jew frequently described as an ardent Zionist, he was Casey's chief liaison with Israel. His departure from the CIA was linked to an Arab factions within who thought Hugel was too fanatical a support of Israel. Hugel had at times been suspected of being to close to the Soviets as well.
On the flip side of the coin, Hugel may have been close to the MacArthur faction within the Pentagon (addressed before here) as well. Hugel had served in military intelligence with a posting in Japan. This did not happen until 1953, after MacArthur and his intelligence chief, General Charles Willoughby (who worked closely with Le Cercle in the 1960s, as noted here), had been removed. Hugel seems to have forged close ties with Japanese businessmen during this time.
Eventually Hugel would become very close to the Unification Church, which MacArthur and Willoughby played a key role in establishing (as noted before here). He would also became a key figure in the Council for National Policy (CNP), which received much of its original funding from Nelson Bunker Hunt. The Hunt family was very close to MacArthur and Willoughby and Nelson may even have been one of the key backers of the International Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture (ICDCC), as was noted in the prior installment.
Even more curious is a trip Hugel took to North Korea in 1991 on behalf of the Unification Church. He was accompanied by "former" officials of the US government, which gave the conference a quasi-state sanctioned air. One of Hugel's compatriots in this trip was none other than Douglas MacArthur II. The same Douglas MacArthur II linked to pedophile rings in Belgium and who possibly had a link to the Franklin scandal via Robert Keith Gray.
This is the only reference I've found to Hugel and MacArthur II meeting in any capacity. Whether the two men had any kind of relationship prior to this 1991 meeting is unknown to this researcher. Both men by this time seem to have very close to the Unification Church, however.
But let us now return to William Casey. The CIA director and Maltese knight had extremely close ties to Cercle:
So, to recap: Larry E. King indicated that he was a great admirer of William Casey and may even have been in regular contact with him while Casey was serving as the director of the CIA. According to John DeCamp, who is far from them sot credible source, King was also in close contact with close Casey aide, Max Hugel (Joseph Trento notes in Prelude to Terror that Casey was Hugel's sole patron in the CIA and had personally brought him in despite vigorous opposition from the rest of the Agency). Hugel was close to the Unification Church (as Cercle was by the late 1980s). He would attend a conference in North Korea in 1991 with Douglas MacArthur II, a man linked to terrorism and pedophile rings in Belgium. Many of his alleged contacts there were a part of the Academy, Cercle's primary Belgian wing. MacArthur II may also have been in contact with Robert Keith Gray, a close friend of fellow Nebraskan Harold Anderson, who was implicated in King's pedophile ring.
As was noted at the beginning of this section, Cercle's potential ties to Franklin are rather tenuous. But none the less, there does not seem to have been many degrees of separation between Casey and King's alleged pedophile ring on the one hand, and on the other between Casey and the Cercle pedophile rings.
In all three instances these rings seem to have targeted at right wing political parties and the security services of Belgium, the UK and the US. And they all seem to have been established around the time Cercle was actively engaged in bringing about political change in these nations. In the UK and the US, Cercle ended up with the friendly regimes it had ever had in those countries (i.e. Thatcher and Reagan).
If there was a tie between the Le Cercle rings and Franklin, was Casey then an agent of Le Cercle establishing a network similar to the ones in Belgium and Britain for influencing politics? Certainly being aware of politicians and key security figures in several major Western nations engaged in pedophile rings would be extremely comprising and would give Cercle almost total control over the figures they had implicated.
And with that I shall wrap up for now. With the next installment I will finish up addressing the other possible pedophile ring linked to Cercle and will then pull things back a bit and consider the bigger picture. Stay tuned dear reader.
King seemed poised to become a major national figure, but then the bottom suddenly fell out from underneath him in late 1988. King was the manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, and on November 4 it was raided by federal agents. It was ultimately concluded that nearly $40 million had been stolen from the credit union and King found himself being indicted on 40 counts that included conspiracy, fraud and embezzlement.
But this was only the beginning of King's problems. In 1989 several children came forward and alleged that King was the head of a pedophile ring that pimped out minors to powerful local figures and even those in Washington, D.C. Boy's Town, the legendary Catholic orphanages, was also implicated in this scandal, being accused of offering up children for this network.
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Larry E. King |
"Though child-abuse charges were never brought against King, Paul Bonacci and John DeCamp pursued federal civil lawsuits against King and other alleged pedophiles Bonacci named as his assailants. US District Court Judge Warren Urbom declared Bonacci's accusations of Satanism and sadism to be unsubstantiated and 'bizarre,' and he dismissed all but one of the lawsuits filed by DeCamp – Larry King was incarcerated for looting the Franklin Credit Union when Bonacci's lawsuits were initiated, and he didn't bother to respond to the court summons.
"Judge Urbom therefore granted Bonacci a default judgment against King. DeCamp then requested a hearing on the single issue of damages, and called Bonacci to stand along with other witnesses who corroborated his 'bizarre' accusations. After Judge Urbom listened to the testimony, he awarded Paul Bonacci a one million dollar judgment. The ruling was based upon some of the horrific events that Bonacci related to me.
"Judge Urbom wrote in his decision, 'Between December 1980 and 1988, the complaint alleges, the defendant King continually subjected the plaintiff to repeated sexual assaults, false imprisonment, infliction of extreme emotional distress, organized and directed satanic rituals, force the plaintiff to "scavenge" for children to be part of the defendant King's sexual abuse and pornography ring, forced the plaintiff to engage in numerous sexual contacts with the defendant King and others and participate in deviant sexual games and masochistic orgies with other minor children. The defendant King's default has made those allegations true as to him. The issue now is the relief to be granted monetarily.' "
(The Franklin Scandal, Nick Bryant, pgs. 27-28)
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Paul Bonacci |
For those of you interested, here is a long banned documentary on Franklin originally produced by the Discovery Channel in 1994 that will provide more details on the allegations surrounding Franklin:
As for the possible ties Franklin had to Le Cercle, they are tenuous. As I already noted before here, there have been allegations that the King pedophile ring was linked to the one in Belgium via the notorious public relations specialist Robert Keith Gray. Gray hailed from Nebraska originally and was said to be a close friend of Harold Anderson, the publisher of the Omaha World-Herald and an individual implicated in King's pedophile ring.
Gray worked for many years for the legendary PR firm Hill & Knowlton, but departed by 1981 to form his own PR firm. In the early 1980s, Douglas MacArthur II was involved with Hill & Knowlton around the same time he chaired the European Institute of Management (EIM), a private security firm linked to terrorism and pedophile rings in Belgium (as noted before here). MacArthur II and the EIM group both had ties to Le Cercle, but this researcher has found nothing to indicate that MacArthur II personally knew Gray or that they had been working at Hill & Knowlton together at the same time. Thus, it does not seem very likely that Gray was a bridge between Le Cercle and Franklin.
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Robert Keith Gray |
"Direct ties of Larry King to persons and institutions active in Iran-Contra are a matter of public record. In 1987, according to the World Herald, King donated $25,350 to Citizens for America, a group that sponsored speaking tours for Oliver North and Contra leaders. CFA was a key public relations group for Iran-Contra; King was a founding member and one of its largest contributors.
"According to his May 22, 1989 interview with Omaha radio station KKAR, King was trying to bring North to Nebraska. A former security guard for King has sworn that he saw North attend at least one of King's parties, a party at which children were also present. Since he was stationed outside, he has no knowledge of what might have happened inside. 'I just thought it seemed kind of curious, the whole set-up,' he said.
"The head of CFA, David Carmen, was a partner in Carmen, Carmen and Hugel, the public relations firm hired by Larry King to help set up one of his other projects, the Council for Minority Americans. It is alleged that Carmen, Carmen and Hugel was one of King's direct links to the CIA.
"Another of the PR firm's partners was Max Hugel, formerly deputy director in charge of covert operations, under the late William Casey at the CIA. Hugel earned the post for services rendered in the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign. Larry King met Hugel back then, since one of Hugel's responsibilities for the campaign committee was out-reach and liaison work with minority groups. Brought to the agency by Casey in 1981, Hugel lasted only a few months at the CIA and was forced out under a cloud of scandal.
"King had a third friend at Carmen, Carmen and Hugel – Ambassador Garald Carmen, the father of David. 'What was Larry King doing with Ambassador Carmen?' reflected a Washington intelligence specialist. 'It was the diplomatic pouches.... Larry had even been lobbying for his appointment as an overseas ambassador.' According to a Washington Times report of December 15, 1988, King did seek ambassadorial appointment. One source specified that he wanted to represent the United States in Jamaica, where his wife, Alice, was born.
"During the height of Iran-Contra activities, 1984-86, Ambassador Carmen was in the right place to have served as bag man. He was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland in 1984 through 1986. The United States ambassador to Switzerland in that period was Faith Whittlesey, who was depositioned by the congressional committee investigating Iran-Contra Oliver North's multiple secret bank accounts were located at Credit Suisse. When Carmen left the diplomatic service in 1986, Carmen, Carmen and Hugel was and remained deeply involved in Nicaragua. According to the intelligence newsletter Unclassified (December 1990-January 1991), the Carmen group under a National Endowment for Democracy contract, handled the U.S. activities of the Violeta Chamorro campaign in the Nicaraguan elections.
"If King was involved with CIA money laundering, that jibes with a report from a member of Concerned Parents: 'I heard from two different black people in North Omaha that King used to send limousines down to Offutt Air Base [home of the Strategic Air Command] to pick up CIA personnel for parties.
"The sometimes expansive Larry King used to talk fondly about his friends. In a Sept. 7, 1988, interview with the Metropolitan King said, 'I know some of the people I admire aren't very popular. Ed Meese. The late Bill Casey of the CIA. And I love former Chief Justice Burger. Those are the people I really like to talk to. Bill Casey.... I just thought so very highly of him.' "
(The Franklin Cover-Up, John DeCamp, pgs. 173-175)
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Oliver North |
Much more compelling is King's alleged relationship with Max Hugel. Hugel is a curious figure --a Brooklyn Jew frequently described as an ardent Zionist, he was Casey's chief liaison with Israel. His departure from the CIA was linked to an Arab factions within who thought Hugel was too fanatical a support of Israel. Hugel had at times been suspected of being to close to the Soviets as well.
On the flip side of the coin, Hugel may have been close to the MacArthur faction within the Pentagon (addressed before here) as well. Hugel had served in military intelligence with a posting in Japan. This did not happen until 1953, after MacArthur and his intelligence chief, General Charles Willoughby (who worked closely with Le Cercle in the 1960s, as noted here), had been removed. Hugel seems to have forged close ties with Japanese businessmen during this time.
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Max Hugel |
Even more curious is a trip Hugel took to North Korea in 1991 on behalf of the Unification Church. He was accompanied by "former" officials of the US government, which gave the conference a quasi-state sanctioned air. One of Hugel's compatriots in this trip was none other than Douglas MacArthur II. The same Douglas MacArthur II linked to pedophile rings in Belgium and who possibly had a link to the Franklin scandal via Robert Keith Gray.
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Douglas MacArthur II |
But let us now return to William Casey. The CIA director and Maltese knight had extremely close ties to Cercle:
"The man to whom Reagan offered the job - within days of his meeting with de Marenches - was someone the French spymaster approved of entirely: OSS veteran and NSIC co-founder William Casey. Thanks to Casey and others, the NSIC and the Cercle/6I would enjoy unbroken access to the highest levels of US policymaking even before the advent of the Reagan Administration. As well as having been Reagan’s election manager, Casey was also head of the Reagan transition team, particularly in the field of intelligence, where Casey was assisted by two former senior CIA officials as Special Advisors, 6I founding member Lieutenant-General Vernon Walters and longstanding ISC friend Ray S. Cline. The agenda for the incoming Reagan Administration had to a large extent already been mapped out in a 3,000-page list of policy recommendations published by the Heritage Foundation in January 1981 under the title Mandate for Leadership - its intelligence proposals had been drafted by NSIC Washington chief Roy Godson, Senate Intelligence Committee staffer and later NSIC and IEDSS author Angelo Codevilla, and Crozier's old associate and probable 6I founding member Herb Romerstein (412).
"Once in charge of the CIA, Casey would help to provide initial funding for the 6I's operations. Members of the 6I 'Politburo' also soon assumed high office: General Walters would act as Reagan's Ambassador at Large from 1981 to 1985, US Representative at the UN from 1985 to 1989, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to West Germany from 1989 to 1991, whilst General Stilwell served from 1981 to 1985 as Reagan's Deputy Under-Secretary of Defence for Policy – despite the anodyne title, Stilwell was in reality charged with a fundamental reform of US special forces. Reagan also ensured contact with the Cercle and the 6I through an old Californian friend, William A. Wilson, whom Reagan also appointed as his personal envoy to the Vatican in February 1981 and full US Ambassador to the Holy See in March 1984, resuming US-Vatican diplomatic relations suspended since the early 1970s. Besides the channels to Reagan via Casey, Walters or Wilson, the Cercle/6I also liaised directly with Reagan's successive National Security Advisors, Dick Allen, William P. Clark, Bud McFarlane and Admiral Poindexter."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pg. 193)Casey's ties to Le Cercle stretched back to at least 1978, when he attended a meeting of the group. This relationship seems to have grown even closer by 1980 and may have stretched back even further. As was noted in the prior installment, Casey's co-founder of the NSIC, Frank Barnett, had been in contact with Crozier since 1966 and had been actively collaborating with him since 1969. And of course, there's also the Sovereign Military Order of Malta connection that Casey shared with so many Cercle figures.
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William Casey |
As was noted at the beginning of this section, Cercle's potential ties to Franklin are rather tenuous. But none the less, there does not seem to have been many degrees of separation between Casey and King's alleged pedophile ring on the one hand, and on the other between Casey and the Cercle pedophile rings.
In all three instances these rings seem to have targeted at right wing political parties and the security services of Belgium, the UK and the US. And they all seem to have been established around the time Cercle was actively engaged in bringing about political change in these nations. In the UK and the US, Cercle ended up with the friendly regimes it had ever had in those countries (i.e. Thatcher and Reagan).
If there was a tie between the Le Cercle rings and Franklin, was Casey then an agent of Le Cercle establishing a network similar to the ones in Belgium and Britain for influencing politics? Certainly being aware of politicians and key security figures in several major Western nations engaged in pedophile rings would be extremely comprising and would give Cercle almost total control over the figures they had implicated.
And with that I shall wrap up for now. With the next installment I will finish up addressing the other possible pedophile ring linked to Cercle and will then pull things back a bit and consider the bigger picture. Stay tuned dear reader.
Apparently Colonia Dignidad was also protected by prominent Chileans who had been filmed in unsavory sexual activity and blackmailed... sounds familiar.
ReplyDeleteSee the 3 minutes from 32:11 to 35:08 here, but the entire documentary is good.