It's the first of March, which means it's time for another subscribers' episode of The Farm. And the guest for this episode is a heavyweight in multiple fields. Walter Bosley is a counterintelligence specialists who worked for the FBI during the final days of the Cold World, and later, with the Air Force Office of Special Investigation, or AFOSI. After retiring from national security in the early twenty-first century, he took to writing and publishing. His works include The Empire of the Wheel trilogy, Latitude 33: Key to the Kingdom, and Shimmering Light: Lost in an MKULTRA House of Anu in addition to numerous fictional works.
This is a wide ranging conversation. We cover Walter's take on the metaphysics of latitude lines, with a special emphasis on the 37th parallel, the so-called "UFO Superhighway." Inevitably, we touch upon West Virginia, which the 37th runs through. From there, we discuss transgenderism, its links to high weirdness, the tradition of hermaphroditic angels, and William Blake. One of Walter's favorite subjects, C.V. Wood, comes up, as well as Wood's possible connections to Andrija Puharich.
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Walter's books can be found here |
For the second half, we delve into the spy games played out in the UFO community between Russian and US spooks; the Bennewitz affair and the AFOSI's role in it; To the Stars Academy; the state of the secret space program; and the COVID Disclosure. We even get into Hellier and QAnon. And there's about a dozen or so other topics we also touch upon, like the metaphysics of schizophrenia. It was certainly a fun time for myself, and as always, I hope you guys enjoy it as well.
This is the latest addition in The Farm's ongoing collection of exclusive content. Other guests have included Christopher Knowles, Richard B. Spence, J. Michael "Doc Future" Bennett, Neil Sanders, David Metcalfe, Greg Bishop, and Adam Gorightly. Upcoming shows include the return of Douglas Valentine on The Farm and the first appearance of Diana Walsh-Pasulka. Sign up now.
Brothers Flynn
All right, with that out of the way, on to current events. One of the most interesting developments in recent months is the rise of General Charles Flynn. As I'm sure will come as no surprise to any of you who read this blog, Flynn is the younger brother of General Michael Flynn, the former head of the DIA under Obama and Trump's first National Security Advisor. Predictably, he's also a brother-at-arm to General Stanley McChrystal.
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General Charles Flynn |
The younger Flynn has arguably had a more interesting 2021 thus far than his older brother. Remember that "tense" phone call between Capitol Police and DC officials on the one hand, and the Pentagon on the other, on January 6th, amidst the rioting? Remember how the former allegedly asked for more National Guardsmen from the latter?
Well, it turns out Charlie Flynn was present for at least a portion of that chat. At the time, he was serving as the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Training, and Planning. That put him just underneath the Army's Chief of Stuff, the most senior uniformed military figure in the Department of the Army. A plush post to be sure, and one he had been entrenched at since June 2019.
The end of 2020 was certainly interesting for General Flynn as well. As his brother questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, Charlie Flynn was nominated for another star on November 30th, five days after his brother received a presidential pardon. The Senate confirmed that star on December 20th. This just happened to be the day after that faithful meeting at the White House in which Michael Flynn advocated martial law. It was reportedly shot down, but the protest for January 6th was announced during the immediate aftermath of the meeting.
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Michael Flynn |
Michael Flynn has of course been one of the most senior military figures to lend support to QAnon. And he gave a vaguely inflammatory speech on January 5th in Capital. So, it's certainly interesting, if hardly surprising, his brother was present during the request for National Guardsmen. The Pentagon initially denied Flynn's presence, but the general was eventually forced to acknowledge his role. The Washington Post was quick to assure it's readers Flynn's presence there was perfectly natural, all the while conceding he was out of the chain of command.
The Biden administration apparently found nothing improper about Flynn's actions either. Shortly after assuming office, Charlie found himself promoted to head of US Army Pacific Command. This will likely prove to be a choice posting. As was noted here recently, the Biden administration seems poised to take the pivot to China even further than his predecessor. His recently nominees have only continued to insist on a tougher line regarding China.
Hence, General Charles Flynn could find himself overseeing a command that will soon be seeing a great deal more action. Indeed, it may supersede CENTCOM as most choice command in the Army. It also indicates Flynn may be being groomed for one of the top slots in management. Is a vice-chairmanship or even a chairmanship in the works? Certainly the trajectory seems to fit. Not bad for a guy whose brother many believe is attempting to overthrow the Biden administration.
Before moving along, it's interesting to note the presence of veterans of the 82nd Airborne in the upper hierarchy of the national security establishment of late. This has been the case for nearly 15 years now. David Petraeus, McChrystal, Michael Flynn, General Keith Kellogg (a key national security advisor throughout Trump's tenure who, along with Flynn, was one of the few senior military officers to back Trump in 2016), and Lloyd Austin (Biden's Secretary of Defense) all held significant commands in the 82nd from the late 1970s through the early Naughts. I already noted before here that Austin had served under Kellogg when he headed the 82nd from 1996 till 1998. It turns out Petraeus was also on Kellogg's staff during that time as well. Austin and McChrystal likely served together in the 82nd during the late 1970s.
The Brothers Flynn both have deep ties to the 82nd. Michael Flynn was first commissioned as an officer with 82nd upon joining the military in 1981. He deployed with them to Grenada in 1983. Keith Kellogg's wife, also a paratrooper (and presumably a member of the 82nd) also deployed to Grenada, but not Kellogg himself. Reportedly, neither Flynn or Kellogg encountered one another despite both men having served multiple tours in the 82nd.
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Keith Kellogg |
Charles Flynn also served multiple tours in the 82nd, eventually becoming it's Deputy Commanding General during the Obama era. Charlie and McChrystal served at Fort Bragg together during the late 90s. As was noted above, Kellogg, Austin, and Petraeus were all serving with the 82nd (which is based out of Fort Bragg) during the mid-to-late 1990s. I've been unable to determine if this overlapped with the time Flynn and McChrystal were also stationed at Fort Bragg, but it would hardly be surprising. This whole network is extremely incestuous.
Charles Flynn and McChrystal were re-teamed again during Operation Enduring Freedom. Flynn was a part of the 82nd during the initial invasion of Afghanistan while McChrystal was the chief of staff for the XVIII Airborne Corps, which the 82nd is a part of. Michael Flynn surely served with McChrystal prior to their time in JSOC together as well. The Flynn and McChrystal families are very close, as Michael Hastings' The Operators emphasizes. It's likely the Flynns rubbed elbows with Austin at some point as well.
This again illustrates the extent to which Fort Bragg has come to dominate the national security apparatus since at least the Obama years. Besides housing the 82nd and the XVIII, it also garrisons the Joint Special Operations Command JSOC), Army Special Operations Command, the Army Forces Command, and the celebrated Army Special Forces, more commonly known as the "Green Berets." JSOC overseas most of the nation's special operations forces. The major component not tied to JSOC are the Green Berets, who are also based out of Fort Bragg. Elsewhere, the XVIII is arguably the most elite of the Army's conventional troops due to it's role as a rapid-response force. These troops have effectively been the Pentagon's spear tip for much of the twenty-first century, and now they're solidifying their hold on upper management.
What is interesting is what this potentially says about the state of civilian government in these United States in 2021. As Hastings made clear in The Operators, there was no love lost between McChrystal and the Flynns on the one hand, and the Obama administration on the other. In particular, McChrystal was especially contemptuous of then-Vice-president Joe Biden. This contributed to McChrystal's sacking in 2010. Fast forward eleven years, and one of MyChrystal's closet allies is now taking over the Pacific Command in a Biden administration, and may be on the fast track for a chairmanship, vice or otherwise.
It's a funny old world sometimes.
Elsewhere, more reports continue to come out concerning the riots of January 6th and they further illustrate the hazy nature of the event. Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police officer who allegedly died from injuries sustained during the rioting, was a veteran who had deployed to Afghanistan as well as a QAnon follower. Naturally, no one seems to know just how Sicknick died, just that it was a result of injuries suffered during the rioting. Originally, it was reported he was struck by a fire extinguisher. Now the argument is that he was killed by pepper spray, or something to that effect. One can only imagine where this drivel is going.
Two other Capitol police officers present at the rioting have also died, each from suicide. The rash of deaths among Capitol Police present at the riot will likely only continue. Certainly, there are a lot of questions, least of all why law enforcement appeared to deliberately stand down for rioters. Explanations have been floated about an absence of manpower. But why was there a lack of manpower in the first place? There was clearly a major push leading up to the riots to make them into a major event.
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a police officer allegedly taking a selfie with the rioters |
One of the players in the Jan 6th riots were the Proud Boys, a senior member of whom was recently revealed to be an FBI informant. Another group present were the Oath Keepers, who are wholly comprised of current or former military and law enforcement personnel. Several Oath Keepers were present for the riots, one of whom alleged to be in contact with the Secret Service shortly before the riots began. Supposedly, this was provide "security" to lawmakers.
And of course, there's the anti Trump "activist" present at the riots and later arrested. This, along with the recent Proud Boys revelation, has been red meat for the conspiratorial right and their false flag narratives. But things are a little more complicated than that. Said activist, one John Sullivan, is a resident of Utah, a state long at the heart of the military-industrial complex and with a legacy of many strange experiments.
And that brings up another bizarre development in the QAnon saga. With the movement in disarray at present, some even more cultic players are stepping in to fill the void. A few are operating under the banners of Shawunawaz and Sabmyk. Shawunawaz is a mythological sword awarded to Persian Princess Ameli Achaemenes by George Soros in 1992. The benevolent Achaemenes destroyed it before it could do further harm, however.
Elsewhere, Sabmyk is the preordained ruler of the world. He came into being on December 21, 2020. Yes, the date that witnessed the Great Conjunction. How exactly Sabmyk relates to the Sword of Schwunawaz, I'm not entirely clear on. And frankly, I don't really care. Obviously, whoever is running this op/ARG is taking their DMing a little too seriously.
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the "Owl Cave symbol" from Twin Peaks |
All right, I can't resist. There is some overlap between the above symbol of the Sabmyk folks an the one found in Owl Creek initially during the second season of Twin Peaks. It's later revealed that this symbol is crucial to opening a portal to the Black Lodge in Owl Cave. And the portal can only be opened.... during a Great Conjunction. Har har.
Closing Thoughts
During the first decade of the Global War on Terror, there was an increasing divide between the entrenched military hierarchy at the Pentagon and the Bush II administration. Many of the generals during that era had entered the military either during, or shortly after, the Vietnam era. Hence, they implicitly remembered the unpopularity the military suffered by the 1970s and were determined to prevent it from reach that nadir again. As such, the upper brass tended to be weary of anything that could damage the military's image.
This mindset frequently clashed with the more aggressive foreign policy sought by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and many of the leading neo-cons surrounding the administration. This made Young Turks like David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal, as well as the broader Fort Bragg/special forces culture that had produced them, all the more appealing in their eyes. Both commanders were brash and aggressive. Under their charge, torture and targeted killings proliferated in Iraq. The media hyped this up into a major success, paving the way for Petraeus to enter into the Washington bureaucracy and McChrystal to be tapped to lead the surge in Afghanistan.
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David Patraeus |
While Petraeus was a Republican, McChrystal, the Flynns, and many of other officers surrounding them were Democrats. Despite this, McChrystal and company got on famously with the Bush inner circle. As Hastings reports in The Operators, McChrystal at times reported directly to Cheney.
Things did not go as smoothly under Obama. Officers like McChrystal who had enjoyed free reign during the Bush II years suddenly found civilian intervention to be a major concern. Entrenched politicians like Joe Biden even publically questioned the policies being put forward by men like McChrystal. This ruffled some feathers and it ended with McChrystal, Patraeus, and Michael Flynn being drummed out of government in disgrace.
At the onset of the Obama administration, these men had been considered among the finest military minds of their generation. They were poised to become entrenched figures in the national security apparatus. That all changed with Obama.
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Stanley McChrystal |
2016 found Flynn firmly in the Trump camp while McChrystal and Patraeus largely sat on the fence. The military achieved great gains under Trump, especially for JSOC (noted here). But I suspect Trump fell out of favor, much like Obama before him, because of his reluctance to use military force and because of the (perceived) undo influence civilians (most likely members of the president's family) had on military policy.
As such, figures like McChrystal and Patraeus drifted into the anti-Trump camp while Flynn kicked QAnon into high gear. The latter created a tailor made insurgency, and one that seems to have genuinely unsettled policymakers. While it's fashionable to perceive Michael Flynn as a buffoon nowadays, a little less than a decade ago he was considered one of the most brilliant intelligence officers of his generation, the man who had crafted a deadly effective global Phoenix program for the War on Terror. Was January 6th the best such a figure could muster?
I seriously doubt that, and most likely, so to does Biden, and any number of other officials. And do any of these people want to see what a serious, Phoenix style operation would look like domestically? I seriously doubt that either. Hence the reason Charlie Flynn's career is back on the fast track.
Which brings us back to my question about civilian government in 2021. Obama and Trump attempted to restore some vestige of civilian control at different points in their respective administrations and faced serious pushback from elements of the military. And now comes along Biden, who may well have barely avoided a military coup before he was even inaugurated. To say that he is on shaky ground is probably an understatement.
Biden has a military hierarchy, especially those centered around Fort Bragg, that holds him in contempt while vast segments of the populace consider him to be an illegitimate president. And Michael Flynn, a key cog in that Fort Bragg hierarchy, has spent that last four years setting up a diehard contingent within that segment of the America populace. Biden will have to toe a very fine line to appease those Prussian elements, or else they will likely make the country ungovernable for him.
"McChrystal was especially contemptuous of then-Vice-president Joe Biden." - who with any sense is not? He's been a grifting agent for collection agencies and credit card companies from the very beginning.
ReplyDelete"I seriously doubt that, and most likely, so to does Biden, and any number of other officials. And do any of these people want to see what a serious, Phoenix style operation would look like domestically? I seriously doubt that either. Hence the reason Charlie Flynn's career is back on the fast track." Do you honestly believ Joe Biden cares in the least if AntiFa or MAGA people are assassinated in their homes, a-la Fred Hampton? They've got a Reset to Accomplish and these little speed bumps are not going to stan in their way.
ReplyDeleteThe stage at the recent cpac was in the shape of the owl symbol, and also ancient rune.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this. Yes, looks like a modified Odal rune, the one on the cpac stage being the more "anatomically correct."
Deleteit's an inverted odal rune. Think 'inverted cross' or 'inverted pentagram' and draw your own conclusions. They pervert every tradition equally.
DeleteAnyone noticed this? related to the military-intel nexus:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great links, by the way. Some good leads.