I must apologize for the lack of activity around these parts of late. As per usual usual, I've taken on an insane amount of projects and am presently scrambling to bring a few to a close. One of them is my next book, the first draft of which is almost complete. Elsewhere, ground has been broken on future projects that will hopefully open up opportunities in other mediums.
Speaking of other mediums, The Farm continues to grow. In addition to the weekly shows, there are two additional, subscriber-only ones per month with exclusive guests and content. Recent guests have included Concordia University professor Andre Gagne, as well as the return of the Penny Royal crew.
Professor Gagne and I explored various aspects of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement and related ideologies. The NAR possesses an almost Medieval worldview. Emerging around the same time as the neo-Pagan movement in these United States, the NAR contributed in their own way to the Re-enchantment of the West. But whereas the neo-Pagans saw wonder, the NAR envisioned a world awash in angels, demons, and other principalities.
We also explore some of the most peculiar ritualism of the NAR, much of it related to their concept of spiritual warfare. Binding and other tools are noted, as well as the NAR's concept of "territorial spirits" and it's similarities to occultic concepts of egregores. Inevitably, we delve into the "Manifested Sons of God" and "Seven Mountains" concepts. This leads to a fascinating discussion concerning how the NAR and related movements will deal with Trump's defeat. The most compelling aspect of this conversation, however, is our discussion of language and translations. The NAR worldview has made phenomenal inroads to mainline Christian sects in this fashion. Words have power and this movement is well aware of this.
As for the Penny Royal guys, we get into a broad discussion of far right activity in the paraweird community, invoking many of the usual suspects: Michael A. Hoffman II, William Grimstead, James Shelby Downard, Adam Parfrey, and, inevitably, QAnon.
After a deep dive into Downard, we explore a cache of mysterious documents the Penny Royal crew acquired last year. They center around the enigmatic figure of Henry Fischer, a well-travelled confidence man with intelligence ties. The documents purport to link him to a host of intrigues and shadowy figures, including the Golden Lily, the Sovereign Order of Saint John, and Willis Carto of Liberty Lobby infamy. It's quite a story, and as a capper, my website was mentioned in the documents. Yes dear reader, this here blog you're currently browsing.
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Fischer |
We also have an epic discussion of The Nine as a cult initiated by the US Navy, and the closely related Ra Materials. To wrap up, well delve into the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit, Accelerationism, AI's from the future, and the murky history of Bitcoin. It's quite an epic journey.
These are just the latest additions to the ever-growing roster of exclusive subscriber shows. Prior guests include Diana Walsh-Pasulka, Richard B. Spence, Christopher Knowles, Douglas Valentine, Adam Gorightly, Greg Bishop, Walter Bosley, J. Michael "Doc Future" Bennett, Erica Lukes, Patriots' Soapbox's RadixVerum, David Metcalfe, Neil Sanders, Edmund Berger and Samuel Vandiver. Upcoming guests include Cicada 3301 graphic designer Arturo "Lestat" Tafoyovsky, and the parapolitical legend Russ Bellant.
Adventures in Mormonland
Summer time is here and I've found myself traveling again. My destination was a curious one on many levels: Salt Lake City. Insert your favorite Mormon joke at this point. Certainly the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) provides much to snicker at, both spiritually, and across the vast landscape that is Utah. But I wasn't doing much laughing by the time my trip drew to a close.
It must be said that there is a certain vibrancy to SLC that cannot be denied. There's also a strong air of Stepford Wives, but that's hardly surprising. SLC is a crucial node within the national security state. This is especially true when it comes to continuity of government (COG). SLC's University of Utah was the fourth node in the original ARPAnet, the precursor to today's Internet. One of the original purposes of the ARPAnet was to serve as a military communications system in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange. In other words, it would enable the components of COG to communicate with one another.
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the U of U |
Also present near SLC is Camp W.G. Williams. This enigmatic base serves as the headquarters of the equally enigmatic 19th Special Forces Group. The 19th, along with the 20th, are the only two Special Forces groups designated as National Guard. This makes them no less elite, however. In point of fact, they're the only two Special Forces groups (officially) designed to operate in the domestic United States.
And what would spur these units to officially deploy in these United States? Why, a nuclear exchange, or something else that incapacitated the government. The 19th and 20th Special Forces groups would take the lead in the defending the US, and restoring order, in such circumstances. Officially.
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Camp Williams |
And it just so happens one of these two highly specialized Special Forces groups is headquartered about twenty miles south of SLC. Also housed at Camp Williams is the Utah Data Center. The precise mission of this outfit is classified. What is known is that this data centers services the entire US intelligence community and grew out of Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative. The Utah Data Center has been described as the NSA's "Biggest Spy Center," and is believed to not only intercept communications (both foreign and domestic), but to be deeply involved in code breaking as well.
The Utah Data Center is certainly well placed for such activities. It looms over what has been dubbed the "Silicon Slopes," the vast tech sector emerging between SLC and Provo. Allegedly, it is one of the most vibrant tech communities in the nation. Perhaps this is why Cambridge Analytica looked to one of the most notable products of Silicon Slopes --Qualtrics --for its data mining efforts. If the Utah Data Center is any indication, that type of expertise is probably abundant in such a region.
And who could forget about Dugway? You know, the US Army's other chemical and biological warfare facility? Sure, Fort Detrick gets all the press, but this is probably due to the sheer isolation of Dugway. Located about 85 miles southwest of SLC, in the Great Salt Lake Desert, the Dugway Proving Grounds occupies an area roughly the size of Rhode Island. Yes, the entire state.
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Dugway |
To recap: SLC and the surrounding area were in on the ground floor of the ARPAnet. They house a Special Forces unit designed to implement COG protocols as well as one of national security state's largest data centers. And the nation's largest chemical/bio weapons facility in less than 90 miles to the south. Combine this with a religion in which doomsday prepping is a way of life, and you have all the ingredients for the Command Post at the End of the World. One can only marvel at the foresight of the military planners.
But enough about the shadow government. In an effort to further blur the lines between business and pleasure (and fiction and reality), I thought I'd chronicle some of the esoteric woo woo I encountered for this thing. This blog grew out of the synchromystical movement after all, meaning I have a soft spot for all things weird and occult America. And SLC is the perfect location to indulge in such things.
I live near the DC area and venture into the Capitol often. As such, I've spent my fair share of time contemplating the celebrated Masonic architecture there. And I'm here to say that SLC mounts a serious challenge to DC for the claim of "Most Masonic City in America." While the connection between Mormonism and Freemasonry is generally acknowledged, if grudgingly, nowadays, it is blatant at the spiritual heart of the religion.
Ritual Centers
Temple Square is one of the most Masonic and occulted stretches of these United States one is apt to encounter. At the heart of it is of course the Great Salt Lake Temple, truly a marvel of American architecture. Despite being in a state of renovation when I saw it, it was no less impressive:
There have been rumors for years that a vast underground network of tunnels exist beneath SLC. It is known that the LDS has an underground vault in which it houses the vast genealogical records the church has amassed over the years. There have been persistent rumors, since at least the 1980s, that something similar exists beneath the Great Salt Lake Temple. Curiously, these rumblings also provide us with the origins of the modern day reptilian tropes.
"... Branton is a former Mormon in his thirties, who grew up in 'the Southeast corner of Salt Lake Valley.' He claims to be an abductee who has had contact through 'altered states' of consciousness with human beings living in the inner earth... He admits that he has no conscious memory of the nonhuman species, but claims ' "intuitive" memories in the form of dreams and so on of being involved in some sort of government-alien interaction scenario, since a child.' The scenario contained elements developed in his writings, including treaties between the government and aliens, underground colonies of both human and nonhumans, and, of course, reptilians. He claims to have met a number of individuals in the Salt Lake City area who have had direct experience with this subterranean domain."
(A Culture of Conspiracy, Michael Barkun, pg. 123)
As Adam Gorightly reports in Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks, "Branton" (Bruce Alan De Walton) was part of a circle of Ufologists that also included Bill Hamilton, John Leer, Val Valerian (aka John Grace), and the one and only, William Milton Cooper. While the merit of the research done by these gentleman is a matter of some debate (to put it mildly), there's no disputing they've had a profound influence on Ufology. David Icke in particular owes much of his early shtick to Branton.
That alone should give one pause when considering claims of underground tunnels beneath SLC. And yet renovations to the Temple produced such sights:
They probably just need those for drainage or something....
The front of the temple is known for its rich symbolism. My camera could not do it justice.:
Here are the highlights:
At the southwest corner of Temple Square resides the Salt Lake Assembly Hall. It's directly across from the SLC Temple, and, inevitably, is not as impressive. But be assured, it's not without its symbolic charms:
To the north of the Temple Square is the LDS Conference Center:
In case you can't tell, this building is modeled upon the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Even deprived of water, the top was impressive when I viewed it. Note the ziggurat at the bottom left. Here's a closer view:
While it would be near impossible to top the downtown ritual center, one particular suburban effort makes quite the attempt. I am of course referring to the mysterious Gilgal Garden. As the story goes, LDS businessman Thomas Child constructed this project in his spare time. It's built in the midst of a suburban neighborhood in downtown SLC, and was walled off for years. Allegedly, Child didn't begin work on these sculptures until he was 57 years old and largely did them by himself.
This place is covered with inscriptions chiseled into the stone. Many of them allude to, if not directly reference, blood sacrifice.
On that note, we come to one of SLC's most (in)famous residents: serial killer Ted Bundy. Like many of the nation's most notorious serial killers, there seems to be much more to Bundy than what the official narrative allows. George from CavDef has done some incredible work on that end. Hopefully, George and I will be exploring Bundy much further on The Farm in the near future. Consider this a teaser.
Bundy relocated to SLC in 1974 to attend the University of Utah (yeah, the same one housing the ARPAnet). For the next two years, Bundy would use SLC as a base of operations while he hunted women both in the area, and in the neighboring states of Colorado and Idaho. Bundy briefly converted to Mormonism in 1975, and was later excommunicated from the church following a 1976 kidnapping conviction.
A whole mythos has grown up around Bundy in SLC. This has led to some outright fabrications in terms of locations involving the killer. Then there's "Bundy's Cellar" at stately Emigration Canyon. This spot is located a little outside of SLC proper. Brigham Young and the Mormon pioneers passed through it in 1848. A year earlier, the ill-fated Donner Party had made the scene. Naturally, a monument commemorates the Donner Party not far from Bundy's Cellar.
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Har har |
The link for Gilgal Gardens is broken :^[
ReplyDeleteWhat happened there?
Great read dude, keep up the weird work! Conspiracy theory travel guide should be a thing. Also, the suspicious observers "group", have that area as a geographically safe(er) area for earths next catastrophic cycle.
ReplyDeleteIf ya had to: What is the best cult to join to survive the apocalypse?
Honestly, probably the Mormons.
DeleteThere are many parallels to Rome's transition from a rational republic to a spooky empire. JSOC looks more and more like the cultish Roman Legion. See https://odysee.com/@JonahInTheHeartOfNineveh:2/Oligarchy-The-Cancer-in-Human-History:7?r=J2Nwxq39YE9HVeyeprZca5QAby7uheZ3
ReplyDeleteAnother fun post for us freeloaders. Thanks, bro