I was busy for most of the week on the prior post but I simply must comment again on the situation emerging over the severed head of a Mexican investigator searching for the body of a dead American jet skier. A few days ago the US authorities provided us with many LOL-inspiring quotes:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said the death of the investigator was a message from gangsters for investigators to "stay out of their territory."The thing is, al-Qaida's 'playbook' comes from the same place as Los Zetas, namely from America's vast black opts establishment. Much as al-Qaida received much of its early training from the US, so to did the Zetas:
"I think their attempt is to intimidate law enforcement, no matter who they are or where they are," Perry told The Associated Press.
The beheading "is taking a page out of al-Qaida's playbook that these drug cartels have been doing for about the last three or four years now, trying to come up with the most grotesque form of murder they can to intimidate authorities and to intimidate the citizens of Mexico," former FBI profiler and NBC News analyst Clint Van Zandt said on TODAY.
But this is only scratching the surface. As we've alluded to in a previous post, ritual decapitation has a very long history in the Americas as it has in many other ancient civilization ruled by a certain type of priesthood. In Mexico itself decapitation rituals held a special place of significance to the Aztecs. While many people associate Aztec human sacrifice with the removal of the heart and the flaying of human skin for a ceremonial wardrobe (both of which happened quite frequently) decapitation was much assuredly represented in their practices. According to James Frazer in The Golden Bough, decapitation was often performed when a victim was supposed to be representing a god, such as at the festivals dedicated to Toxcatl and Tezcatlipoca.
Regarding Toxcatl festival, Frazer notes:
The Aztecs were hardly the only high indigenous civilization in the Americas to hold severed heads in great reverence. The Nazca civilization of what is now Peru, and who built the remarkable ley line-centric Nazca Lines, greatly coveted what are known as 'trophy heads':The Golden Bough, pg. 609On reaching the summit he was seized and held down by the priests on his back upon a block of stone, while one of them cut open his breast, thrust his hand into the wound, and wrenching out his heart held it up in sacrifice to the sun. The body of the dead god was not, like the bodies of common victims, sent rolling down the steps of the temple, but was carried down to the foot, where the head was cut off and spitted on a pike. Such was the regular end of the man who personated the greatest god of the Mexican pantheon.
The Nazca civilization, which flourished in Peru between the first century B.C. and the fifth century A.D. and slid into oblivion by the time the Inca Empire rose to dominate the Andes, is mostly known for carving in the desert hundreds of geometric lines and images of animals and birds that are best viewed from the air.Freemasonry also has quite the obsession with the decapitation ritual, using it to symbolize the ninth degree in the Scottish rite.
Less well known is that these ancient people boasted the largest collection of human heads in the Andes region of South America.
Carefully prepared, the lips sewed with long cactus spines, all heads featured a hole in the center of the forehead so that a carrying rope could be inserted.Hanged and suspended from these woven cords, the heads were long believed to be war trophies.
But recent analysis of the diet-related substances found in the teeth of some heads unearthed in 1925, reveals that the Nazca built their collection not from foreign enemies slain in battles, but from their own people.
So, if we take the decapitation ritual as a symbol of the New World Order, we can certainly discern an interesting message Los Zetas is sending to the US populace on behalf of their masters. As such, I doubt MSNBC or Fox will be reporting upon it.
I would say that your description of what the beheading picture on the apron illustrates is a VERY long stretch. To be honest, I'd want to know where the apron came from because its design is NOT typical Freemasonic design. The "9" against the sword in the upper part of the Apron is very atypical and this ..might.. indicate some irregularity of the Lodge.. though it might also just indicate a more free artistic interpretation.
ReplyDeleteThe apron from this post is from the Memphis-Misraim lodge for their ninth degree. The Scottish Rite design is very close -It can viewed here:
The images of an arm holding a dagger and another arm holding a severed head are the same ones that appear in my copy of "Morals and Dogmas." The main difference seems to be in the weapon -the Memphis-Misraim has an almost Shriner-style short sword while the Scottish rite is clearly a dagger.
In general I've found finding reliable information on the meaning of the frequent decapitation/severed head symbolism in Masonry, as well as other esoteric outfits like the Templars and the Skull and Bones, most difficult to come by. It appears frequently but is rarely explained.
The best I've been able to come by is that it represents some kind of transference from one person/institution to another.
It's interesting that you commented on this old post at this time as I just finished watching Jodorowsky's "Holy Mountain" a few nights ago which is loaded with esoteric symbolism -In fact, I doubt anyone not familiar with these signs would even be able to understand it.
There's a scene toward the end featuring a decapitation that comes to mind. A guru (played by Jodorowsky himself) informs his disciples that they've learned all that he has to teach and that they are now masters. He then asks one of his pupils to behead him with a Shriner-style sword as a kind of passing-of-the-torch to his former pupils. I tried to find the scene for you, but nothing is coming up at present.:(
Anyway, thanks very much for you interest.:)
St. John the Baptist is the patron saint of Freemasonry. His head is supposedly contained in the Damascus Shrine, in Syria. He is prefigured by Osiris, whose severed head reposed in Memphis, the city of the Egyptian kings. According to Hoffman, Memphis, Tennessee was "established by the Masonic Rite of Memphis and Mizraim."