Loren Coleman's Twilight Language blog as well as Vigilant Citizen have already tackled the bizarre account of a bit actor and low-level Freemason that murdered his own mother yesterday with a Masonic ceremonial sword, but I'll try to add a bit here. But first, the incident:
"A hardworking Brooklyn mother was hacked to death early this morning allegedly by her sword-wielding, bit-actor son during a bizarre religious meltdown in which he screamed Bible passages and made obscure references to Freemasonry, police and witnesses said.
"Greg Clare, who lives downstairs from victim Yannick Brea, 55, shared with her son Michael Brea, a 31-year-old actor and low-level Freemason who had roles in 'Ugly Betty' and the movie 'Step Up 3D,' said he first heard screams about 1 a.m...
"Another neighbor said Brea kept calling for the 'architect of the universe,' a term used by Freemasons to refer to a supreme being. And a police source said the murder weapon was a three-foot ceremonial Masonic sword..."
Reports are also emerging that the victim could have been saved had the police acted sooner:
"Clare said the police kept asking him if he had a key to the Brea’s apartment, and eventually left to call for backup. When ESU arrived, they knocked down the door about 2:20 a.m. and found a gruesome scene, with Yannick kneeling in the bathroom with multiple stab wounds to her head.
"Yannick Brea’s family was furious with the police response.
" 'When I heard what happened I went crazy,' said Yannick’s sister Gina Bumond, a nurse who lives in Flatbush. 'I heard police didn’t knock the door down. Are you serious? She could be alive today.' "
Miss Brea also had a link to 9/11:
"She once worked at the Marriott at the World Trade Center but left after the hotel was destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, neighbors said."
Most interesting to me, however, is that fact that the Brea family seems to originally be from Haiti, a country with a very rich and complex history of secret societies -more on that later.
For now, let us recap the various synchs this tragedy dealt:
*The assault began a little after one in the morning on the 23rd of November, the day after the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, which many have theorized was carried out as part of a Masonic conspiracy.
*23 is a significant number in the occult, and November 23rd is exactly a month before the end of the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia that ran from December 17th to the 23rd.
*The victim had worked in the Twin Towers, the destruction of which has also been suspected as Masonic plot.
*The attack was characterized by blows to the victim's head with a Masonic sword. Was Brea trying to behead his mother? Beheading is used in Masonic ritual murder and seems to be a meme the public is getting a lot of exposure to of late.
Finally, there's the connection to Haiti, a nation whose modern history has largely been shaped by secret societies. Ethnobotanist Wade Davis in his classic The Serpent and the Rainbow (which is a serious study of the Haiti voodoo culture, unlike the self-same named Wes Craven film) describes these societies thus:
"There were, according to these informants, secret societies in all parts of the country, and each maintained control of a specified territory.... Membership was by invitation and initiation, open to men and women, and was strictly hierarchical. Laguerre verified the existence of passports, ritual handshakes and secret passwords, banners, flags, and brilliant red-and-black uniforms, as well as specialized body of spirits, songs, dances, and drumbeats...
"... he described them [the secret societies -Recluse] as the very conscience of the peasantry, a quasi-political arm of the vodoun society charged above all with the protection of the community. Like the secret societies in West Africa, those of Haiti seemed to Laguerre to be the single most important arbiter of culture. Each one was loosely attached to a hounfour whose houngan was a sort of 'public relations man' acting as a liaison between the clandestine society and the world at large. In fact, so ubiquitous were the societies that Laguerre described them as nodes in a vast network that, if and when linked together, would represent a powerful underground government capable of competing head-on with the central regime in Port-au-Prince."
(pgs. 211-212)

Davis, like Laguerre, insists on an African origin for the Haitian secret societies yet their organizational structure is similar to European secret societies. For instance, many of the Haitian vodoun societies carry out secret tribunals to sit in judgement of members of the community like the German Vehm of Westphalia during the Middle Ages.
Filmmaker and anthropologist Richard Stanley came to similar conclusions about an Old World origin for the Haitian vodoun societies while filming his excellent documentary White Darkness there. In the special features section he gives an interview that's arguably even more interesting than the actual movie itself. Here's a choice statement Stanley makes from a transcript of the interview:
"Most books consider voodoo to be a combination of Roman Catholicism and African mythology. There are elements of voodoo that have nothing to do with either. There is a huge amount of Old World Masonic imagery - for example, pentagrams - which suggests that perhaps three or four hundred years ago slaves were initiated by previous imperialists. That's something that hasn't been talked about. I was told about the various handshakes and rituals that I would need to know. Altes Paul (sorcerer) warmed to me after I gave him a third-degree masonic handshake, convinced that I was a fellow mason. Also, possession was a very real physical phenomenon. The Baptists in Haiti also experience something very similar - the talking in tongues, for example."

In much of the 'New World' colonial regions on the 18th century I've been left with impression that the underlining factions behind the wars fought there were often Freemasons and Jesuits. In many cases, such as our very own French-Indian War, its very hard to find evidence of this suspicion. Luckily Haiti seems to be a fine example of this in which the Masonic lodges attempted to throw off the shackles of Catholic-centric France.
Haiti in fact attracted one of the most radical French Masonic lodges of the 18th century, known as the Nine Sisters, who founded a lodge there known as the Circle of Philadelphians. The name derived from the city of Benjamin Franklin, a member of the Nine Sister who was initiated into the Nine Sisters in Paris in 1776. Historian, Rhodes Scholar, and former head of the Library of Congress James Billington elaborates of the Haitian affair:
"In occult circles of this lush colony it was easy to contend somewhat patronizingly that 'France needs a revolution. But... it must be enveloped in mystery.' The Philadelphians became revolutionary leaders in Cap-Francais during the 1789-91 before the blacks rose up in July 1791, and other white colonists turned against them. They later reminisced that 'We took the intoxicating cup of novelty without realizing that it contained poison that would tear up our own intestines.'"
(Fire in the Minds of Men, pg. 109)
So it would seem the Masonic revolt preceded the slave uprising, which was likely nurtured at every step of the way by the Circle of Philadelphians. This leaves us with another interesting synch between the Breas and the Kennedy assassination. Some have interrupted Kennedy's death as infighting amongst the Cryptocracy, specifically between the Masonic and Jesuit factions, much as the Haitian revolution may be viewed.
So, what ultimately are we to make of this bloody business? I do not believe that Michael Breas killing his mother was intentional. With the vast legacy of secret societies in Haitian culture, it's possible Michael Breas may have been initiated into some form of advanced programming either by the Masons or a Haitian society. The programming in turn seemingly backfired and lead to one of those shocking acts of violence that still conveniently spurs the public toward giving the authorities more police state powers.
If Breas was being programmed a good indication will be whether or not he even remembers attacking his mother. Typically assassins working through an alter will have no memory of the actual killings that they commit. Inevitably the media spectacle is already gearing up.
This story just gets weirder and weirder. From the Examiner:
"According to sources close to Ugly Betty actor Michael Brea, the 31-year-old accused of hacking his mother to death with a sword-like knife Tuesday, Nov. 23, was stressed about money and was speaking in tongues the night he was arrested for the crime...
"Other sources, including Clare’s daughter and Brea’s aunt, said Michael had been acting slightly unusual before the gruesome slaying of his mother.
"Gina Dumond, sister of the victim, thinks Michael suffered a breakdown, which could have explained the severe headache he spoke of Monday, Nov. 22. Dumond said Brea went to bed Monday evening without dinner, hours before his alleged rampage.
"Dumond also said Brea had been attending meetings held by a group he said was associated with area Freemasonry. However, it was later learned Michael had no assocation with Freemasons in Brooklyn."
"Freemason officials said Wednesday that many clandestine groups claiming to be part of an official Freemason lodge exist, however, are not officially recognized."
Sudden, bizarre behavioral changes, speaking in tongues, not involved with the Freemasons, but some kind of similar organization...Something most certainly isn't on the up and up here.
More information on this case, specifically in relation to a possible copycat from earlier in the year, can be read here.
who ever put this up... go f yourself