Recent events in Brussels have made this present series on the intrigues the Belgium deep state especially timely. The series was begun in March 2016, with the most recent installment published on the twentieth. On March 22, 2016, explosions were set off in two separate locations around Brussels (one occurring at an airport in Zaventem and another at the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station), resulting in the deaths of at least thirty individuals and scores more wounded. Officials are already hailing the Brussels attacks as the most deadly acts of terrorism in the nation's history.
While it is true no other one terror attack in Belgium's history has quite equaled the scale of the Brussels attacks, Belgium has experienced a decades-spanning wave of terrorism that has taken especially shocking and brutal forms. Indeed, there are even echoes of past terror attacks present in the events of March 22, 2016. The Zaventem Airport is located in Flemish Brabant, part of the original Brabant region that witnessed a deadly wave on terror attacks during the early 1980s that left 28 people dead. These shootings were chronicled in the second installment of this series.
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the original region of Brabant |
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the mysterious WNP leader Paul Latinus |
This present series will address further "incompetence" from the Belgian security services in regards to the Dutroux affair, but for know let me finish the recap.
With the first installment of this series I chronicled deep intrigues behind two political parties affiliated with Jean Thiriart, Jeune Europe and Parti Communautaire Européen (the latter of which also having ties to the notorious Order of the Solar Temple cult) in the 1960s and 1970s as well as Flemish Belgian terror network known as Vlaamse Militanten Orde (VMO), which was also extremely active in the 1980s during the WNP's peak years. Under the present circumstances, it is interesting to note that both Thiriart and the VMO also had ties to militant Islamic and Arab nationalist groups. Thiriart's ties in this regard were especially well known:
"In 1968, as part of the rightist overture to the Middle East, Thiriart visited Cairo, where he attended the opening session of the Union Socialiste Arabe as an invited guest. In March 1968 La Nation Europeenne he explained his policy this way: 'In striving towards European nationalism, Cuba, the Arabs, and North Vietnam must be considered as tactical friends. Everyone who contrives to destroy the power of the United States helps Europe pave the way to freedom and unity.' Thiriart supported the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and PFLP leader George Habash reportedly helped finance La Nation Europeenne."
(Dreamer of the Day, Kevin Coogan, pg. 544)
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Thiriart |
As for the VMO, by the early 1980s they were in contact with the former SS man Otto Remer. In the post-war years Remer was extensively involved in the Islamic world, aiding nationalist groups in Egypt, Algeria and Syria (Remer was one of several prominent former Nazis who took up residency in Syria for a time). And it should be emphasized that these groups as well as Thririart's associates were largely Arab Nationalist rather religious extremists, though they would greatly influence many such later groups. But moving along.
Remer |
As I also noted in the P2 series, early instances of Islamic terrorism in Europe were also linked to this network. One of the trail blazers in this regard was the Turkish Grey Wolves organization, which had ties to both P2 and the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II (addressed here and here). Turkey is of course one of the major backers of ISIS, which has been linked to both the recent terror attacks in Paris as well as Brussels (indeed, the same terror cell seems to have been responsible for both attacks). Some researchers such as Sibel Edmonds have alleged that the wave of Islamic terrorism that began to kick into high gear during the 1990s was a continuation of the original Gladio operations and has dubbed the Islamic networks "Gladio B."
Certainly there seem to have been ties between these Islamic terror networks and several groups linked the terror campaign that destabilized Belgium during the 1980s. These some of these links have been noted above while others will be explored in a future installment. For now I would like to consider what is easily the most horrendous aspect of the Belgian deep state: the Dutroux affair.
While Marc Dutroux is still largely unknown outside of the United States (there are only a handful of English-language accounts of his story), at one point the so-called "Monster of Charleroi" threatened to topple the entire Belgian state. His arrest brought with it dark rumblings of pedophile rings that catered to powerful political figures within Brussels and beyond. Here's a rundown of how Dutroux first gained his notoriety from the Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, one of the few truly credible online websites exploring deep political intrigues and easily the best English-language account of Dutroux:
"The media attention had begun in June 1995 with the disappearance of two 8 year old girls, Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo. Almost exactly two months later, the 17 year old An Marchal and the 19 year old Eefje Lambrecks went missing. Additional media attention was drawn to the latter case as the last thing these girls did was visit the show of Rasti Rostelli, a prominent magician, in which they had been hypnotized. Needless to say, the affair ended the career of the magician, even though he had almost immediately been cleared as a suspect. In late 1995, the BOB (Belgian FBI and branch of the gendarmerie) largely ceased to investigate the case. However, the disappearance of An and Eefje remained prominent, because a foundation named Marc & Corinne, set up several years earlier and named after two teenagers who had been brutally murdered, used its limited funds to spread posters of the girls' faces all over Belgium and the Netherlands. In the end this made no difference; the girls weren't found, nor those responsible, and in May 1996 history repeated itself. This time the 12 year old Sabine Dardenne disappeared, and again the BOB was unable to find the kidnappers or the girl. People became more worried for their children with every kidnapping. Confidence in the police and judiciary, traditionally already quite low, began sinking to new depths.
"Things changed later that year. On Friday, August 9, 1996 the 14 year old Laetitia Delhez disappeared in Bertrix, a town located in the district of Neufchateau, near the border of France and Luxemburg. Michel Bourlet, prosecutor of the king in Neufchateau, was tasked with the case and appointed examining magistrate Jacques Langlois to coordinate the investigation. When Langlois left for vacation the following Monday, Bourlet replaced him with his close colleague Jean-Marc Connerotte. The latter duo had already become well known in 1994 for not being allowed to solve the murder on Andre Cools, a socialist politician.
"The same Monday that Connerotte took over from Langlois, BOB adjutant Jean-Pierre Peters reported a breakthrough in the investigation. Of the several dozen tips, two turned out to be very useful. Two witnesses had seen an old white van driving around Bertrix the day Laetitia disappeared. In one of these two cases a student was afraid the driver of the van was planning to steal his bike. As luck would have it, the 22-year-old had a passion for cars and reported to the police the exact type of van and a good chunk of its license plate, as the first three letters reminded him of the name of his sister. In no time Dutroux's name, a known pedophile, came out of the computer. A crisis meeting was held in Bertrix that evening and the following day Dutroux, his wife Michele Martin, and his sidekick Michel Lelievre were arrested. In the following days their testimonies led to the retrieval of two girls, Sabine and Laetitia, in Dutroux's basements. Belgium's case of the century was about to begin."
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Martin (top) and Lelievre (bottom) |
"It was not until August 13, 1996... that authorities arrested Dutroux, along with his wife (an elementary school teacher), a lodger, a policeman, and a man the Guardian described as 'an associate with political connections' – elsewhere identified as Jean-Michel Nihoul, a Brussels businessman and nightclub owner. One of those taken into custody –Michel Levievre, described in a May 2002 BBC report as 'a drug addict and petty thief' – reportedly told his interrogators that at least some of the girls abducted by the ring 'were kidnapped to order, for someone else.' This is just one of the many statements by suspects and witnesses that would later be dismissed by Belgian officials.
"Two days after the arrest, police again searched Dutroux's home and discovered the soundproof dungeon/torture center. As CNN reported, three years earlier 'police ignored tip from an informant who said Dutroux was building secret cellars to all girls before selling them abroad.' In addition, in 1995, the same informant told police that Dutroux had offered an unidentified third man 'the equivalent of $3,000 to $5,000 to kidnap girls.' Incredibly it was later reported by the Guardian that police actually had in their possession a video of the dungeon being constructed: 'Belgian police could have saved the lives of two children who were allegedly murdered by the paedophile Marc Dutroux if they had watched a video seized from his home which showed him building their hidden cell.' The tape had been seized in one of the earlier searches.
"At the time of the final search, two fourteen-year-old girls were found imprisoned in the dungeon, chained and starving. They described to police how they have been used as child prostitutes and in the production of child pornography videos. More than 300 such videos were taken into custody by the police.
"On August 17, 1996, the story got grimmer as please dug up the bodies of two eight-year-old girls at another of Dutroux's homes. It would later be learned that the girls had been kept in one of Dutroux's dungeons for nine months after their abductions, during which time they were repeatedly tortured and sexually assaulted – all captured on videotape. The girls were then left to slowly starve to death. Alongside their decimated corpses was the body of Bernard Weinstein, a former accomplice of Dutroux who had occupied one of the houses for several years. Weinstein had been buried alive.
"A few weeks later, two more girls were found buried under concrete at yet another of Dutroux's properties. Autopsy reports suggest they were drugged and then buried alive. By that time, ten people connected to the case were reportedly in custody..."
(Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pgs. 4-5)
In the case of the videos, McGowan's information is a bit dated. Originally it was claimed that some 300 such films existed while later on this number was upped to almost 5000. These proved to be quite considerable exaggerations. Now the total is reckoned at less than 100 and only a portion of them show Dutroux abusing young girls. But moving along.
Upon Dutroux's arrest, his extensive criminal record came to light. The general public and the few honest investigators who explored the case couldn't help but wonder how Dutroux was even allowed to return to the public at large after his prior convictions for pedophilia and a host of other offenses. And of course there was Dutroux's extensive holdings despite his lack of income. Consider:
"... Dutroux – convicted along with his wife in 1989 for the rape and violent abuse of five young girls, the youngest of whom was just eleven – now stands accused of being a key player in an international child prostitution and pornography ring whose practices include kidnapping, rape, sadistic torture, and murder.
"Dutroux was sentenced in 1989 to thirteen years for his crimes, but was freed after having served just three. This is in spite of the fact that, as prison governor Yvan Stuart would later tell a parliamentary commission: 'A medical report described him as a perverse psychopath, an explosive mix. He was an evident danger to society.' The man who turned Dutroux loose on society, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, was rewarded with a prestigious appointment to serve as a judge at the European Court of Justice at The Hague."
(Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pg. 3)ISGP provides some other interesting information about Wathelet:
"In April 1992, PSC Minister of Justice Melchior Wathelet approved Dutroux's release from prison. Although it is normal in Belgium to be released after a third of the sentence has been served out, many in the system who worked with Dutroux did not agree with this decision. Dutroux was known to them as a manipulative psychopath without any regrets for his crimes. In fact, he never even admitted to them. Interestingly, Wathelet would be accused in the X-Dossiers of being a violent child abuser himself, together with some of his known proteges and associates."
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Wathelet |
"Shortly after Dutroux's release, young girls begin to disappear in the vicinity of some of his homes. Though technically unemployed and drawing welfare from the state, he nevertheless owned at least six houses and lived quite lavishly. His rather lucrative income appears to been derived from trading in child sex-slaves, child prostitution, and child pornography. Many of his houses appeared to stand vacant, though at least some of them were in fact used as torture and imprisonment centers where kidnapped girls were taken and held in underground dungeons. Some of Dutroux's homes were used in this way for several years following his early release, with a growing body of evidence to indicate that fact to the police. Authorities nevertheless failed to act on the information, or acted on it in ways that implied either complete incompetence (according to most press reports), or police complicity in the operation (according to any sort of logic).
"Official seem to have routinely ignored tips that later proved accurate, including a report from Dutroux's own mother that her son was holding girls prisoner in one of his houses. In addition, key facts were withheld from investigators working on the disappearances and lines of communication were unaccountably broken, inexcusably hindering the investigation. Police did search one of Dutroux's homes on no less than three separate occasions over the course of the investigation. On at least two of these occasions, two of the missing girls were being held in heinous conditions, imprisoned in a custom-built dungeon in the basement. Nevertheless, according to the Guardian, the police searches came up empty – even though the investigating officers reported 'hearing children's voices on one occasion.' "
(Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pg. 4)
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Rene Michaux, the investigator who "bungled" so much of the Dutroux surveillance |
"In the afternoon of December 13, after the disastrous search in Dutroux's Marcinelle home, Michaux met with police officer Christian Dubois. Both had been working on a recent phenomenon involving occupants of white Mercedesses following and photographing schoolgirls. On this occasion, Dubois informed Michaux that he had an informant who had stated that the white Mercedesses belonged to a pedophile network centered around a company called Achats Services Commerces (ASCO; not to be confused with X1's abuse and snuff factory) located in the Brussels' suburbs. According to the informant, the occupants of the white Mercedesses were putting together catalogs of pictures of children. Their clients could pick one of these kids, which would then be kidnapped, locked up in Belgium for a while, and then exported to eastern Europe or Thailand. The price for each child would be about 7500 euros. During their conversation Michaux told Dubois about Dutroux. Dubois recalled: "I remember that Michaux told me that Dutroux went to countries in eastern Europe... The sums he mentioned for the kidnappings were similar to those given to me by my informant... Even today this still keeps me awake at night. I feel responsible. Afterwards, in 1996, I looked into Dutroux... You just felt it. This was the man we were looking for!" Michaux undertook no action and the Verwilghen Commission would later scratch its head why. ASCO turned out to be a highly interesting company. It was incorporated on July 2, 1991, primarily by Jean-Louis Delamotte, a friend and regular business partner of Michel Nihoul. Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein, Michel Lelievre and Michele Martin (not Dutroux) had all been spotted on a regular basis in the immediate surroundings of the company. People in the neighborhood had also noted that Nihoul was often surrounded by young negro girls and had the impression that these girls were on transit. Five mattresses and some baby milk were found inside the company's headquarters after it had gone bankrupt in 1994. Delamotte's company Soparauto, registered at the same address, owned 5 white Mercedesses, all with French license plates, as had been reported. [16] Delamotte would later also be pointed out as the thug who intimidated one of the X-witnesses [17], including the person who had initially looked after this witness."
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Bernard Weinstein, a former associate of Dutroux whom he was eventually convicted of murdering |
"One of the most important reasons for speculation about a network has been Michel Nihoul. This person had been arrested on August 16 after the investigators of Bourlet and Connerotte found out that on August 10, one day after Lelievre and Dutroux had kidnapped Laetitia, Nihoul had supplied Lelievre, free of charge, with 1,000 XTC pills. The original investigators immediately suspected that these pills served as a payment for the kidnapping of Laetitia, suspicions which were only fueled when Nihoul was unable to provide an alibi for August 8 [24], the day when at least 8 witnesses claim to have seen Nihoul in Bertrix at and around the location where Laetitia would be kidnapped the next day. Additionally, some of these witnesses claimed to have seen Nihoul in the presence of Dutroux (or his van), who was carrying out an initial surveillance that day. [25] Both Dutroux's wife Michele Martin and Michel Lelievre specified that Dutroux, at least in some cases, kidnapped girls according to specific wishes of clients. Martin stated that one of these clients was Michel Nihoul."There has been much speculation over the years of this murky night club owner. It typically goes along these lines:
"The man long suspected of being the real high priest of the grisly sex rings and drugs rackets was Nihoul, known to intimates – and his alleged victims – as 'Mich.' He was a familiar figure on the shady night-club circuit, who could be seen in the company of important figures from the Belgian upper crust. He was known as the man who could fix anything to suit particular tastes. He rose up from street gang territory and made good money on the bar and drugs scene to become the most powerful crime boss in the country. He would always talk himself down as a mere 'pub owner.' Those who knew him better understood that his network of alliances was respected by the most powerful elites. Dutroux acted as a pimp and sometimes master of ceremonies for Nihoul's orgies, that were alleged to attract prominent public notables. There was a certain irony when Mr. Big found himself dragged into the limelight concerning his underling. His smirking arrogance at his own court appearances was such that he bawled to reporters that he would never be convicted because 'he knew too much...' "
(Gladio: NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe, Richard Cottrell, pg. 304)
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Nihoul |
Upon Nihoul's arrest, several witnesses stepped forward to make allegations that Nihoul was a key figure in a pedophile ring that involved many of the most powerful figures in Belgium and beyond. Many of these victims had been living in fear for decades and only came forward when they felt that they had located a handful of honest Belgian officials (such as investigator Jean-Marc Connerotte, who became something of a national hero in the 1990s for his tireless efforts to expose Belgium's underbelly in relation to Dutroux as well as the assassination of Andres Cools, a key figure in the Walloon Socialist Party) who would take their claims seriously. Stories of ritual abuse, child murders, snuff films and the like soon followed, shocking the nation of Belgium to its very core. Here's a brief rundown of these victims:
"... The 'X' witnesses were victims of the pedophile ring who had come forward to tell harrowing tales of their victimization.
"A woman named Regina Louf was the first of eleven such victims to be interviewed by police officials. Louf claimed that she had been victimized by the ring – which included her parents and her grandmother – from the time that she was a very young child. She described the operation in detail to authorities, supplying them with names – names that included 'senior judges, one of the country's most powerful politicians – now dead – and a very influential banker.' According to Louf, the operation 'was big business – blackmail – there was a lot of money involved.' Many of her victimizers, she said, were secretly filmed for blackmail purposes.
"Louf identified Michel Nihoul as a regular organizer of 'parties.' These parties, she said, 'not only involved sex, they included sadism, torture and murder.' She described in detail the murdered victims, and how and where they were killed. The BBC reported that when police checked into Louf's claims, they were able to verify 'key elements of Regina's story and found [that] at least one murder that she says she witnessed matched an unsolved murder...' "
(Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pg. 7)
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Louf |
At this point though I must digress to consider some of Nihoul's other alleged associates before going into the VIPs X-1 and other witnesses supposedly remembered. Part of the reason why Belgian authorities seemingly went to great lengths to cover up the Dutroux affair, especially in relation to Nihoul, may have been due to the pub owner's association with members of Westland New Post (WNP), the organization widely believed to have been behind the Brabant massacres. Richard Cottrell alleges that both Nihoul and Dutroux had ties to Paul Latinus himself, the head of the WNP and reported DIA asset:
"Among his regular contacts was Jean-Michel Nihoul, mastermind of the rapidly expanding sex traffic and paedophile industries, and several of his corporals, including the Monster of Charleroi, Marc Dutroux. Latinus was discovered by his girl friend, roped up in the bathroom at his home on 24th of April 1984. Postmortem examinations were inconclusive... Latinus always claimed that he kept a secret file as his life insurance policy. If so, it seems to have worked in reverse. An extremely inconvenient figure connecting the Belgian Gladio operation and the depravity soaking Belgium, was now off the stage.
"Dutroux and Latinus knew each other from their common passion for stealing expensive cars. But Latinus' trade specialty was setting up targets for blackmail, which lends strong support to later allegations that child abuse networks have the prime objective of luring clientele into places where they would be secretly filmed with young girls and boys. The content of videos intended for the worldwide black market remains to this day a highly toxic and unresolved mystery, which the Belgian authorities have done all in their power to suppress..."
(Gladio: NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe, Richard Cottrell, pgs. 301-302)
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Latinus on the right |
"It will come as no surprise to learn that the WNP leader Paul Latinus 'committed suicide' in April 1984 as the WNP scandal gathered pace. Opinions remain divided about whether the suicide was arranged or not. Latinus could have been a key witness not just in the WNP case but also in a vice scandal that hit the headlines at the same time as the May 1981 Sûreté report on CEPIC's links to the NEM. Shortly before dying, Latinus had referred to a file that was his 'insurance policy' - a dossier compromising top politicians in a vice ring: the Pinon file. Dr. Pinon's wife ran a child vice ring in which... right-wing notables were allegedly compromised. In early 1981, details of the ring reached Lecerf who wrote an article; perhaps unsurprisingly in view of his connections, Lecerf never published the piece. Lecerf may have been the source for Latinus’s file.
"In mid-June 1981, Dr. Pinon gave details of the ring to the left-wing magazine Pour... Pour's editor, Jean-Claude Garot, was preparing to go into print when he received a phone call from a lawyer attempting to prevent publication: Garot refused. Ten days later, the premises of Pour were burnt to the ground by a joint commando group from the Front de la Jeunesse/WNP and the Flemish fascist group VMO..."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pg. 203)
As was noted in part one, Emile Lecref was a prominent figure in both Belgian's fascist underground as well as overworld. He had been a co-founder of Jeune Europe with Jean Thiriart in the 1960s before allegedly breaking over ideological differences, though both men maintained ties with the notorious Aginter Press, a right wing terror network active all over Western Europe and Africa. Lecref also had ties to an individual linked to paramilitary camps for the Vlaamse Militanten Orde (VMO). Beyond all these activities, he was also a key figure in the Belgian branch of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), an organization with extensive ties to drug trafficking, terrorism and the US intelligence community. Much more information on the WACL can be found here. But moving along.
So while there is no credible information this researcher has found linking Latinus to Nihoul or Dutroux, it seems highly probable that he was aware of some kind of pedophile network amongst Belgium's right wing establishment as far back as the early 1980s and may even have been tipped off about this network by the highly connected Emile Lecref.
But just because there is no evidence linking Latinus to Nihoul does not mean that other members of the WNP were not in contact. Indeed, it seems that at least one lower level member was a close associate of Nihoul. ISGP reports:
"X1 was presented with 40 photographs, some showing real suspects, others from unrelated dossiers. [267] After another long and psychologically challenging session, X1 had selected 8 pictures. Three of the selected men clearly were misidentified, as they have never been linked to the extreme-right or the Gang of Nijvel [the Brabant shooters --Recluse] and had been added to the collection for no specific reason. Four other identifications made by X1 turned out to be far more intriguing. One of them was the person De Baets already suspected: Madani Bouhouche. The others were former gendarme officer Christian Amory, gendarme colonel Gerard Lhost and the earlier-mentioned gendarme colonel Rene Mayerus...
"Bouhouche was closely associated with Group G, Front de la Jeunesse, Westland New Post and the Diana Group. He has been accused of involvement in a number of assassinations and break-ins. In 1979, Bouhouche began preparations for a long-term operation to terrorize and extort a number of warehouses. Accomplices in this operation were Robert "Bob" Beyer (BOB), Christian Amory (BOB) Rene Tchang Wei Ling (brother of an important BOB officer), Juan Mendez, and apparently also Jean Bultot [273]. This group is widely believed to have had something to do with the Gang of Nijvel. Whether this was the case or not, their operation was cancelled in 1986 after Bouhouche was arrested on suspicions of having murdered Juan Mendez. Confronted with testimonies of Christian Amory, Bouhouche admitted to his interrogators that recruiting Mendez had been an assignment given to him by the WNP leadership and that there was a political motive behind the attacks they had been planning (or, if they were behind the Gang of Nijvel, might actually have carried out). [274]
"Additionally, Bouhouche appears to have been closely associated with Michel Nihoul. He went to the fascist Jonathan Club whose owner, Pepe De Rycke (committed suicide in 2001) was on good terms with Nihoul. [275] Together with Beyer and Bultot he went to the prestigious Dancing Mirano's, where Nihoul also went. [276] The Mirano became embroiled in a drug scandal in the 1980s, but accusations that its owner, Philippe Cryns, ran a child prostitution network were carefully ignored by the magistrates. [277] When Bouhouche was arrested in 1986, he picked Jean-Paul Dumont as his legal representative. The earlier-mentioned Dumont, once a member of the CEPIC council, was on close terms with Nihoul, represented leading fascists as Francis Dossogne and Paul Latinus, and shared a law office with the lawyer of Alexis Alewaeters (of the Mirano scandal) and Marc Dutroux. [278] As already mentioned, Dumont himself has been accused of child abuse on several occasions. In 1996, X2 testified that she had seen Bouhouche at the Dolo, Nihoul's favorite hang out, talking to Henri Bil... and being involved with some of the child abusers. [279]"
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Bouhouche |
"... The database shows conclusively that ARI direct contacts with and contracts performed for the US embassy in Brussels and the Belgian antenna of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)...
"... Still other customers of ARI were recommended by former gendarmerie colonel René Mayerus, director of the European Institute of Management (EIM), also a private intelligence service, with seat directly opposite the US embassy in Brussels Avenue des Arts. President of EIM was the former US ambassador to Brussels, Douglas MacArthur II junior, son of the famous general of World War II.
"The owner of EIM was late Michel Relecom businessman with interests in Zaire, confidant of President Mobutu and President of the Belgian African Chamber of Commerce. EIM time had run in Zaire several government contracts. In Belgium acquired the singular company, thanks Mayerus, contracts including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the security of diplomatic meetings and summits in various domains castle of the department, such as the Egmont Palace. Mayerus brought Bouhouche and Beijer further contact with the US commercial intelligence agency International Intelligence Inc. (Intertel).
"Commissioned by Intertel, teaches the database examined ARI example, a firm that had offices at the Brussels Square de Meeus, coincidentally right in front of the former headquarters of the State Security. ARI also made contact with the Haitian embassy in Brussels with a view to possible political asylum for Haitian dictator Jean Duvalier. An old acquaintance on the customer list of ARI is the Saudi secret agent Faez El Ajjaz, who claimed to be a journalist. In their database Bouhouche and Beijer connect him with the affair Vernaillen (the assassination Gendarmerie Major Herman Vernaillen), WNP and European Institute of Management."
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MacArthur II, one time president of EIM |
EIM was already addressed in part two of this series where it was noted that this murky private security firm that was at one point headed by former US Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II (nephew of the legendary general who had close ties to the intelligence-connected American Security Council (ASC, which was addressed at length here and which will appear again in this series)) and the World Anti-Communist League), seems to have been in control of the WNP during its reign of terror. And here are indications that the WNP also had ties to some type of elite pedophile network during this time as well. A network that was seemingly still active over a decade later when the Dutroux scandal broke.
And it is here that I shall wrap things up for now. In the next installment we shall finally begin to examine the VIPs linked to this pedophile network as well as their ties to international networks profoundly immersed in deep political intrigues. Stay tuned.
Great blog post and really helpful...... and your blog are very interesting and inspiring.
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